Sunday 25 November 2007

Jesus Advocate to Annapolis about nuclear blackmail

Posted Nov 25, 2007 at 5:17 PM to the 21st Century Network discussion board
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Jesus Advocate to Annapolis Middle East Peace Conference:
How to cut down the nuclear blackmail now, to consolidate mutual international security.

The basic argument from the leadership of Iran is that the West has no right to prevent them from their atomic energy program, because it is peaceful and atomic energy will safeguard their future energy needs and economic growth-prosperity as the planet is running out of oil. That therefore it is their right to get on with their program. As Jesus Advocate and since I compute on a 100 million year military and political knowledge this is the solution to be sure that yes, atomic energy can be used for economic reasons, assuming it really brings wealth, which is doubtful, but anyway the situation is this: L Ron Hubbard wrote down the Excalibur in 1938. So, in 1938 he was computing and thinking and putting in place a strategy with one billion years time bracket memory at least. The Antichrist has been fully operating since 1938. Hiroshima and Nagasaki: was Hubbard involved? He can do an eight, 8, with any human, because no human can distinguish between normal night sleep and hypnosis and the Antichrist the Great Serpent is the most powerful hypnotist in our entire universe. Since he knew who he is and what he is going to do since 1938, did he participate as the main hypnotist in the decision making and actions that brought about Hiroshima Nagashaki? Now, that I got my life-perception units back I have identified when did I "fornicate" with the Great Serpent, that is to say, what decisions or actions I have taken were the result of hypnotism processing by Hubbard during my human sleeping hours. Now, that I got 100 million year data, I am not afraid to recognise and admit that Hubbard had tampered with certain decisions and beliefs of mine. But, if you ask Mahmoud Abbas,Tony Blair, George Bush, Bin Laden, the Prime Minister of Israel or Iran they are not in a position to observe and establish any tampering with their decision processes because the mind computes survival problems and the mind is always right. So, at the moment all human leaders judgement is vulnerable to Hubbard the hypnotist who "died" in 1986, but who doesn't need a flesh body to operate as a Satan and Thetan. Operating Satan Hubbard can install groupers-bouncers-forgetters in any human mind and produce human error or decision to push an atomic button. Therefore, so as to secure for the planet the time to upgrade our knowledge of the Antichrist asymmetric warfare and defeat him we have to form and install an eight link from country to country. Therefore, yes Iran can get on with nuclear power ASSUMING they do it for prosperity and development reasons but they have to send 10.000 Muslims from Iran to Tel-Aviv. The Leadership of Iran and the top guys of the nuclear Iranian program will have to send their wives and children and Iran's spiritual Leaders to be human shield in Tel Aviv. The Israelis will have to do the same and send over the families of the top guys of their nuclear program and leadership to live in Teheran as human shields until we sort out a united strategy against the Antichrist and an administration clean up where the guys with the Mark of the Beast go into Mother Theresa careers and far away from rockets, money, soldiers, secret services and anything sharp or dangerous. The Messiah of Judaism and humanity, Mark Rowberry, will have to reward me for that blowjob and the message, which I have now verified that he is (a half-dead) God in 2001 and go to Athens to get repaired by me in the next decade where I will start digging up from my memory all the repair packets that complete the Bridge and the Exodus to freedom for all of us 6 billion chosen people and I need Greece and Minos Kyriakou who was Agathon in the Symposium and has the Mark of Jesus and Antenna TV and the Aegean Foundation to back me up totally on this project. I will get the other guys worlwide with the Mark of Jesus mobilised and aware fully of who they are and on my pragmatic immortality program. So, if REALLY atomic energy is needed for prosperity hand over human shields now. The USA and any country that wants to keep atomic energy production has to provide human shields to their potential targets as exchange and balance to abolish nuclear blackmail. This is what Jesus Advocate says to the Middle East Peace gathering for the next week in Annapolis USA. So, all countries that use and keep nuclear energy wil provide human shields,the families of their leadership which supports atomic energy for many years until we all upgrade our knowledge, communications and agreements and derail the Antichrist Agenda on a planetary basis. The ginger haired guy, L Ron Hubbard had masterminded the previous Holocaust in the Confederacy, because that Satan was then Minister for Education, Citizenship and Welfare. This time his time is up. Down with the Antichrist Agenda and we start his Judgement from Athens Greece and London as well. MAKE EACH OTHER SAFE WITH THE PROVISION OF HUMAN SHIELDS, JEWS-MUSLIMS-WEST-CHRISTIANS AND WIN TIME TO RAISE YOUR ABILITIES AND MUTUAL CONTROL-RESPONSIBILITY. Thus spoke Jesus Advocate, Joanna Iatridou who went through her slaughtered enemy and got the immortal doer self back, to the Annapolis coming conference.
Posted Nov 25, 2007 at 6:00 PM

The wooden walls will save the city.
The Athenians don't believe me when I predict that Athens will not wake up one morning between January 2008-end of 2013 because of the Middle East conflict.
The wooden walls are Mark Rowberry the amnesiac Messiah who "lives the simple life in Mallorca".I don't care how many women he wants to bring over with him, Mark Rowberry, the wooden walls will have to settle down in Athens for the rest of his hopefully long human life until I repair him back to GOD. For further details read my blogs http://splitjudas.blo... http://judas-hubbard....
What are the best peace and antiwar groups worldwide to spread the message like fire?My blogs are not reader friendly but are a substitute for lecturing and to gather my thoughts, while my mind is racing through a 100 million years and the Office of Special Affairs USA- Mike Rinder is chopping down my communications and vilifying me with paid private investigators to hit back because l Ron Hubbard is Judas-Iscariot and he is the master-mind of the international risk of A-bombs we are facing now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very very interesting and insightful.