Saturday, 22 September 2007

Confident obstruction of Justice perpetuated by the Police Force

The confidence displayed by Walthamstow police in doing the paperwork when I file a complaint as a victim of crime, and their determination to "investigate" and find nothing and keep asking me for more evidence in order to keep "finding nothing" and closing "the investigation" is clearly coming from a long standing nurturing of hate crimes from some high rank officials in the Thames Valley Police. It's the Walthamstow Police supporting hate crimes committed and kept secret by the Thames Valley Police. Thames Valley Police and Walthamstow Police are the backbone of distributing ridicule videos of me wiping my ass or inserting a tampon on the internet and dictating all London to cut my communications and nullify-destroy me as a person. Who exactly inside the Thames Valley Police had started "a fair game" aggression against me, Vicky Horgan and her sister and Mark Rowberry? Clearly if this guy's influence extends as far as East grinstead where I had murder threats when visiting, if this guy makes the Walthamstow Police Constables laughing with raging hostility behind my back, he can promote hate crimes and obstruction of Justice all across London. Who is this "hate power" inside the Thames Valley Force? What other hate crimes have gone "unresolved" in the areas under Thames Valley jurisdiction?
Mark Rowberry could go on pulling a dozen new girls a year, they were consenting adults,
I had every right to find a decent guy for myself,
Vicky Horgan and her sister had every right to move on with their life.
Who is the undetected nurturing foundation behind the "mistakes" about the Horgan killings?? Who stayed untouched and escaped detection for the mistakes about the Stuart Horgan killings and with this Hubris and power trip mentality conducts a hate and death threat campaign against me all across London?
Mark Rowberry and me have worldwide religious importance, because our past explains what dangers was Jesus aiming to avert and he came here to get crucified. The secret that he is St John the Evangelist and I am Magdalene had to stay secret until I can get confirmation from Jesus about this, which was not forthcoming from the Bible, or the Da Vinci Code or any other commercial entertainment nonsense because none of them deals with the specific identity of the Antichrist. Until I had located the Antichrist and his operations I was not getting confirmation from Jesus.
Who is the guy in the Thames Valley Police Force perpetuating hate crimes against me for six years now?
The mind engineering strategy behind the hate and ridicule and general sabotage aggression against me is to cut down and destroy my endurance by having me attacked, vilified,sabotaged and betrayed from as many sides as possible to prevent me from striking down the Antichrist successfully now that the time has come.

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