Saturday 20 October 2007

My friend Panos & the Office of Special Affairs

It's two weeks now that a friend of mine from Greece, Panos, is here in London to see how he can help me out with the "dead agent" situation (obscene attacks to discredit me and get me hated) google for further definitions, that went on, because my complaints to the Police did not give any findings. He was staying in Central London and we noticed that he has private investigators following him and that some Londoners started "whispering" is this him? He is the one.
After the years 2004-2007 experience of people calling me names for no reason across London, and while I will be educating Londoners about OSA tactics and Hubbard the Antichrist hate policies and war strategies,
I have the following request:
Panos is starting on a new good job with a good company, just like I did with Invesco. I don't want him to go through the same ordeal as me.
OSA is trained by Hubbard to be ruthless: so, if any Policeman is told that Panos is a terrorist, or that Panos is a sexual pervert, or that he is a male prostitute or some other alarming and atrocious accusation, you should tell Panos or me straight away. Do not hesitate and cut your communication, tell us WHO said what immediately. There is no point in getting mentally trapped by the same victimizing backstabbing tactics and starting for Panos useless hostilities with the Londoners who are normally tolerant people.
Without a doubt speak up clearly and immediately who said what behind Panos back. I wouldn't like him to keep getting fired from jobs and have people whisper behind his back just because OSA has instructions against him. Thanks.

Friday 19 October 2007

More about DEAD AGENTING ME to stop my discoveries

Link from which I quote:

L. Ron Hubbard's peculiar ideas on PR discourage Scientology PROs from giving direct answers to awkward questions ("never defend ..."). Instead, replies are "doubled curved" in a tactic described as "attacking the attacker", otherwise known as "Dead Agenting". The latter is yet another Hubbard-devised term, which has become synonymous with smear tactics. It is in fact a bastardization of one of Sun Tzu's precepts, first expressed around 500 BC. As Hubbard put it,
"The technique of proving utterances false [comes from] the first book of Chinese espionage [Sun Tzu, The Art of War]. When the enemy agent gives false data, those who believed him but now find it false kill him - or at least cease to believe him."
[Hubbard, HCO Policy Letter of 21 Nov 72, "How to Handle Black Propaganda"] So it is not simply a matter of attacking a person's character for the sake of it. It is, instead, all about destroying the person's reputation so that their credibility concerning matters related to Scientology is reduced or totally eliminated.

Collection of Scientology Dead Agent packs
The preparation of Dead Agent packs lay behind many of the Guardian Office's illegal activities against the US Government in the mid-1970s. GO 1361 directed that once documents had been obtained clandestinely from the US Internal Revenue Service and Department of Justice, the designated GO bureau and official would create "suitable cover" to disguise the manner in which "the data was obtained" so that they could be released to "PR for dead agenting." In other words, confidential government material which was unfavourable to Scientology would be turned against the government. This was precisely in line with Hubbard's own directives:
"1. Spot who is attacking us. 2. Start investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse using our own professionals, not outside agencies. 3. Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them. 4. Start feeding lurid, blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press." (My comment: Hubbard knew I will discover with the Socratic method, which is part of the Scientology confessionals that he is the Antichrist, from 1938. He knew that to find out about his crimes I have to go through my crimes and that I was willing to do that 2400 years ago already, I just didn't have an auditor with an e-meter and some specific knowledge back then).
[Hubbard, HCOPL 25 Feb 1966 "Attacks on Scientology"]

I found out he is the Antichrist, Judas the Disciple in 2006. All year 2006 I was getting to realize his operations to put together nuclear holocausts and torture camps millions of years now. He is the source, these are not Nazi or American inventions, they are copycats of huge operations he put together with the guys with Mark of the Beast (Lesevre-Jentzsch) who are willing to nuke you and fry you all, they are long time in mutual exchange of favours always crippling the entire humanity. No Justice will be seen as long as amnesia exists. It takes 3 years to get out of amnesia. That's where that line of the Sermon on the Mountain will begin to be real: those who are hungry with justice will be fulfilled.
The stakes are high, too high for MPs and the Police in particular to hate me or ignore me from their crotch.
Unless the Jews-Christian-Muslims and Israeli-Palestinians, Turks-Kurds read all about war and conspiracy that Hubbard wrote down they will kill each other until we are all exterminated. Declare him the Antichrist-The Great Serpent and learn to take apart his dirty tricks which backfire and put us all in extreme danger.
For failing to declare the Antichrist London could be starving and have no water by 2013.

DEAD AGENTING to educate Londoners and the Police

Link from which I quote:
A Scientology practice. Members of OSA are involved in this practice.
D/A, verb. Dead Agent; to spread malicious lies and rumors about an Anti-Scientologist person or organization, in an attempt to so thoroughly discredit them that everyone concerned will be disgusted with them, and not listen to the information they have to give about the cult. Many attempts to Dead Agent the recently destroyed CAN (the Cult Awareness Network) and FACTnet (Fight Against Coercive Tactics network; a BBS that supplies information about the cult) have been posted to ars. (alt.religion.scientology)
ARS Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.5

Educating the Police about OSA-Hubbard the Antichrist

These are some of the policies and tactics that have been applied against me, because I was going to go through my slaughtered enemy and establish that any normal adult can get continuity of life in 3 years average and therefore JUSTICE and that the Sea Org has a billion years contract with me the thinker called Socrates, not Hubbard the Antichrist who does good text but did not let the Scientologists recall whom did they kill at war, so as to perpetuate criminality and unjustice allover humanity.
So Hubbard policies and OSA - Antichrist desk tactics applied on me, for which the Police can pull the video cctv clips and other visual communication but were "not on the mood" to bring justice and solve this persistent 2001-2007 hate crime.

Link :

Quotes from Hubbard's Battle Tactics applied on me:
1. We must ourselves fight on the basis of total attrition of the enemy. So never get reasonable about him. Just go all the way in and obliterate him.

2. It is bad warfare to fight battles on your own terrain, in your own subject area.
( That's why Heber Jentzsch never answered my fax about declaring Hubbard the Antichrist, and disconnected the St Hill fax, that's why it is unknown whether I have been SP delared or not and I had no notification by St Hill when they have my address.)

3. Fight battles wherever possible only on enemy terrain, in and about his subject and his people, not ours. You can gauge your relative success by this. When all your battles are fought on his terrain, you are winning.
A good general expends the maximum of enemy troops andthe minimum of his own. He makes the war costly to the enemy, not to himself.
( That's why they made such a HUGE slander 2001-2007 , out of an one night stand with Mark Rowberry, because it is on my own terrain, not about the Antichrist hiding under Scientology religion tolerance. Not about their killing systems, not about deliberately keeping Scientologists amnesiac when the Emeter works and they could remember the crimes of Heber and Lesevre when they were catholics, or greeks or jews in the past).

4. One cuts off enemy communications, funds, connections.He deprives the enemy of political advantages, connections and power. He takes over enemy territory. He raids and harasses. All on a thought plane - press, public opinion, governments, etc.
(Little do they know at Cofunds, where they are passionate fans of Mark Rowberry, that they are actually doing an OSA dirty trick against me. Little does he know Max Clifford and his very jaded assistants that they are handing over power to the guy who is the creator of epilepsy Hubbard, and Lesevre who is the creator of cerebral palsy from amounts of torture that did genetic damage, blocked under amnesia. If Max Clifford could remember Lesevre he would want to strangle him.)

5. The prize is "public opinion" where press is concerned.The only safe public opinion to head for is they love us and are in a frenzy of hate against the enemy. This means standard wartime propaganda is what one is doing, complete with atrocity,war crimes trials, the lot. Know the mores of your public opinion, what they hate. That's the enemy. What they love.That's you.
You preserve the image or increase it of your own troops and degrade the image of the enemy to beast level.
( Now you know that Hubbard is not dead, just without a body, so a lot faster. The actions to beastify me with the ridicule video clips and perhaps some doctored material are to KILL YOU FOR EVER. BECAUSE THE IGNORANCE OF HUBBARD AND HIS NON-DECLARATION AS ANTICHRIST AND SEPARATION AS writer OF SCIENTOLOGY, the great serpent satan, NO FREEDOM LEADER IS NUMBER ONE SECURITY BREACH.) It's convenient to laugh behind my back, but "cutting my connections" or communications is cutting your throat on the war on terror, because you fail to unite the 3 religions of the book against their one enemy.

6. Capture and use his comm lines. A press magnate on yourside is a big win.
( That's why the Church of Scientology was willing to do the Panorama with John Sweeny. Now you know what are they hiding. Not a cult, but the Antichrist, the father of obscene abominations and asymmetric warfare )

7. The people who win wars have a saintly image but they win the war by clever and forceful use of the rules of tactics, strategy and battle.
( Sure Heber Jentzsch has a saintly CV, go to wikipedia and look up what a nice guy he seems to be, when he knows between 1967-1986 that if people don't audit their past army-service they will die forever. He just sits on half a billion dollars, tries to look a saintly guy to various interfaith meetings and then goes back to his office, locks the door and plots how and when to kill people sideways. Very saintly image indeed. Good old Antichrist stuff.

So, Battle Tactics is lesson one for the Police and the London public.
What profit do they have to call me a hooker? Mark Rowberry apparently? But we all saw back in Henley in 2001 that I did not fit into his lifestyle system. ( He would fuck someone convenient, I counted fifteen and would play perfect gentleman to posh Amanda or Elisabeth) Mark was fully booked into his lifestyle and had his friends to advise him. But among them sure there were some guys and women who are friends with OSA hired private investigators, they spred out rumours to criminal gangs and they get criminal gangs to do the dirty jobs because a private investigator needs a clean criminal record. So among Mark Rowberry's friends there were guys and girls who were friends both with criminals and with OSA hired private "dicks".

How does it benefit the Police Force, when it doesn't wish to solve a sovable hate crime, my filed complaints? Especially when the IPCC has so many other enquiries to answer, how does it look a deliberate obstruction of justice when it is a perfectly smooth operation to collect the evidence which is in wide circulation?
Did I ever stop any man or woman who admires Mark Rowberry to jump on him? Not at all.
Is it about being a Mark Rowberry fan the reason Londoners jumped in to hate me? Nobody stops them from liking Mark Rowberry. The game they play just helps OSA.

Why the Police cannot be rational and professional in this case?

The situation where I go year after year and file a complaint for verbal abuse, threats, harassment, hate campaign with the goal of exclusion and sideways killing by poverty and social isolation is not a pressure situation for the Police.
They are not dealing with Jean Charles de Menezes ,they are not under extreme pressure and miscoordination where they tragically get it wrong. These people make my life tragic and death and health damage threatening, from their desks, when they know comfortably and have all the facilities and the investigation means to pull out from circulation across London a couple of these cctv or video clips and tell me yes, matter of fact, somebody had a camera in your room, this is the clip where you insert a tampon, this is the clip where you take out your dentures.
OSA is doing their best to ridicule me and shred me to pieces, they got their instructions and this complex frreakout slanderous scam is a typical OSA job. But OSAs boss is a good writer Hubbard, who also happens to be the most obscene abomination of an enemy and drives the entire humanity crazy. While OSA is under direct rewards, privilege and empowerement, as well as hypnotism and false reports from the Antichrist, the Police does not get any rewards by showing total incompetence and obstruction of justice in a perfectly solvable case of hate crime.
You might say for Charles de Menezes they didn't have all the components in place to evaluate him correctly and they had to act fast. In my case they had all the time in the world, me visiting on a six month space to make more enquiries. So, they just want to establish and spread out Obstruction of Justice. The Antichrist Desk has to spread obstruction of justice because they are hypnotized by Hubbard the obscene abomination on this Earth.

But the police force discredit their capacity to deliver services and do reasonably well their duty as outlined in the Home Office guidelines about hatecrime. What is really dishartening is that last week the press office of IPCC made a comment that after investigating, no evidence of corruption was found out on the part of the police. Stephen Lawrence was murdered back in 1993. There was obstruction of justice and extreme difficulties in nailing down his killers. The year now is 2007, 14 years later and the IPCC had still complaints from that crime to answer.

In my case there is no excuse, the evidence of these videoclips cctv clips are the talk of London. At least 20-30.000 Londoners have made snide comments about me sideways when they see me in various areas of Greater London. Now, they know the truth about their own Police Force. They don't just get investigated for failing duty in extremely serious crimes, but when they comfortably and easily and with no harm at all can deliver some justice and actually stop a hate crime from being perpetuated, they are not in the mood.
That's why my situation which is not manslaughter or murder it is just human socioeconomic destruction points out a wish to keep obstruction of justice going on strong. So, basically Hubbard the abomination, has managed to mind-engineer the police that hate is a games condition. They let all the evidence and the hate activities go on undeterred and unexposed purely because hate is a games condition. Letting me get hated, harassed and destroyed gives them a game to have in which they feel "powerful", they feel real smart when they say, we didn't find anything bring us some more evidence, when all London has seen the stuff.
So, there is thousands of Londoners out there now, who know that the Police is in favour for obstruction of justice and hate crimes, even in easy to solve and manage cases. It's not a matter of difficult circumstances where obstruction of justice takes place, like de Menezes or Stephen Lawrence or the hate crimes Pemberton Killings and Stuart Horgan killings from 2003-2004.

My situation with the Police is a benchmark of evidence against their sideways mentality that even when all is smooth and easy to stop a hate crime, they are just not keen to do it. Professional standards, Home Office guidelines, rational attitude don't count, the "seat of their pants" says hate crimes are entertaining.
I don't think the voters and the taxpayers who saw first hand the clips I am talking about are happy about Police disservice at this level.

Thursday 18 October 2007

Londoners and Mark Rowberry fans, welcome to OSA

This freakout rumours and scams about Mark Rowberry, where we see normally tolerant Londoners go bonkers with hate, ridicule and verbal abuse against me and me not managing to get a straight answer from Mark Rowberry, was he attacked or harmed in any way between January 2002 and now when we haven't met, is to detract me from splitting Hubbard and the OSA the Antichrist desk, from the Sea Org which has a billion years contract with me to provide the valuable socially product: continuity of life and auditing warcrimes.
The OSA is the antichrist desk, the CIA of the Church of Scientology
here is a couple of interesting links

the second link is about harassment in the UK.

I am getting harassed because I am the Antichrist's number one enemy, and tough luck I was amnesiac before 2005 and could not understand who is guiding this insane hostility.

It is totally insane for the Police to discredit themselves and keep quiet so much scam going on behind my back, and ignore the Home Office guidelines about hatecrime where I find myself with my house repossessed, unemployed for 3 years and with £100K damage.
You can see for yourselves Londoners that Mark Rowberry was looking after his 3 girlfriends in 2001, when I was next door. Now, after that, don't you think you really went bonkers when you call me names just because I wrote him off? Have you ever asked yourselves why does it bother YOU if I don't want to get involved with Mark but prefer to break up and go away?

OSA knows how to push your hate buttons and make you bark like dogs with rabbies.

Friday 12 October 2007

Funny situations by British Icons

What is an Icon? Check the description at

James Bond
Back to my story: it was last night on TV: James Bond brings home a new conquest after a night out. His mother is waiting up, she asks very casually," is this one of your whores? " Bond: "No mum, this is Tatianna", mother "another foreigner, she is a whore! Why can't you find a nice british girl?" upon which Tatianna says "I have to get up early tomorrow, I'm leaving now" and the mother replies terribly casually "Sorry I called you a whore, you seem like a nice girl, have a cookie, have a cookie, I insist!" [ My moral judgement from this situation, the english have called me a whore casually, just like they have a cup of tea, part of their daily routine tradition. I was the worst possible version of greek upset, sulking and stroppiness as well as European polite hostility "leave me alone" when in retrospect from 2007 what I wanted to say back in 2001 to Mark Rowberry and his friends was "Fuck off you junkie murderous cunts!"

The Beatles
Once Yoko is in the picture, the arguments start in the band:
Ringo suggests they should all go for a toilet break and John Lennon starts arguing : "Don't tell me what to do, some of us don't want to go to the toilet!" but as soon as Yoko whispers that "she is bursting" John does a U-Turn, so they all go up on the roof and make a new song about having a poo... we see Paul McCartney singing "if you have a huge load...let it all out....
[ moral judgement: embarassing situations are OK when the person is at cause, that's to say he is sitting on the toilet in front of a camera on a self-determined basis, by choice. Of course, in my case I was busy unravelling the Antichrist activities in the last 100 million years. He is the original Joker and Degrader and his amnesiac boys went on a game to enforce ridicule and exploitation on me. Therefore, if you are not aware who is the Antichrist and what has he been doing you can expect that you and the entire planet will be in huge trouble and danger.
Interest-desire-enforcement-inhibition is the Antichrist attitude machine: people could not resist having a laugh and participating in the ridicule game against me, because they never suspected what will follow next, they just thought that they are shredding to ribbons a wannabe femme-fatale, which is not me at all and got busy enforcing some whore-flogging, which is again a kind of local tradition]. The healthy attitude is interest-reach out- interest-withdraw-interest-reach out with communication, truthfulness, some common sense reality and a wish for constructive interaction.

Simon Cowell
and the X Factor Judges run a talent show "You're a c...t"
So, Simon starts the criticism after each song and his final verdict for every one he doesn't like is
"You're a cunt!" (I searched if Simon Cowell is in the icons list, not yet, he is too young I guess, but his style is well known).
[ My moral judgement: when I use the word Cunt with my definition (horrific war-criminal woman hiding in a male body to have status and power to destroy men-women-children as her way of personal supremacy) I am under the impression that the word bangs certain blokes on the head with sledge-hammer force, but when Simon Cowell is using it, it looks like he is hitting people with a feather! We can be wrong about the impact of a word on another person: when I say cunt I think I hit heavily my opponent when I have just tickled him with a feather. When the English called me a whore they thought they were using a feather, I thought I was getting stung by wasps and could not help getting really irritated and annoyed].
Considerations are above mechanics says Hubbard-the Antichrist about the impact a word can have.

Thursday 11 October 2007

Some good things about British women

They try to be well groomed and they don't complain too much.
One of Mark's one night stands he nearly bit her nipple off, and he has very sharp teeth. She run downstairs to put some ice on her nipple and went to sleep. Did you ever hear any complaints about this? No. They make an effort to keep up appearances that all is well with their man.

Lee: Mark didn't know how to ask for a blowjob and he fell with all his weight on her face. Luckily he didn't break her neck. She was pinned down and struggled and tried to scream and managed to break free. I thought, good thing she is a strong cow. He has the right body mass index woman. Did you ever hear her complain? No. She tries to say all is well with her man.

Me I get very scruffy and very very very stroppy. And I sulk...and sulk.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Mark Rowberry justification for mob hate revenge crimes against me

The issue about Mark Rowberry being the justification or excuse to organise mob hate, revenge, ridicule and false accusations and a smear campaign against me all across London will be addressed and escalated until it is clear and finished.

The reason I am preoccupied about Mark Rowberry is because he functions as a foundation for hate crimes against me, not because I am in love with the guy.

I detest the guy because:

1. He used sex with me to create a hostile environment in Henley on Thames immediately against me, he has been "praising" me as a good whore to make himself popular with british women and men. He has been dishing out to british men and women their favourite prejudice that all europen women are whores, so he is a fat wallet who contaminates and poisons the minds of british people.

2. I detest the fact that he fucks his mates girldfriends. He is surrounded by conniving couples with inferiority complex. Hell will have to freeze over before I tolerate moral criticism from Peter Landsbury, Simon the Dentist, Valerio and similar fantasy-social-power trash.

3. There is the scam-rumours project surrounding Mark. It is not obvious to me if Mark is actually the victim of rape and theft in 2004 and that this is somehow to blame on me as some kind of "femme fatale".

4. On the basis of the above scam there was visual material smear campaign agaist me. Here we got an obstruction of justice: was it televised on some british TV station in 2004 that Mark wanted to get back in touch with me and buy me as a hooker, and he got raped because his inferior buddies and girldfriends want him to be cripple sexually?

5. Is he a victim of the above scam or is it just fiction to stir up hostility and controversy?


August 2004 there were rumours by some criminal gang following me down in Shepperd's Bush that Mark slit his wrists, and was found dead. I verified with the police, and the police was straightforward. They reassured me nothing like that happened. They didn't say "we will not tell you if Mark Rowberry killed himself because there is a Data Protection Act".

7. This is a hate crime against me under investigation. While the Ipcc is slowly starting to investigate, I need to know from a reliable source, preferably the MP for Henley on Thames Boris Johnson whether Mark Rowberry had been vicitimized or it is just his friends pulling on a scam to destroy my quality of life and stir up hostility from the mob that loves to believe the rumours spread about me. I have tried to get in touch with Mark Rowberry's father, but Mark blocked the communication.

8. I am angry and disgusted with Mark Rowberry and I have no intention to have sex or an affair with the guy.

9. These Hate crimes against me that stir up the mob of London and the smear campaign are organized and timed to prevent me decapitating the Antichrist and all the background work he did to sabotage me and bring about a new holocaust. He has been working non-stop in that direction from 1938 until 2007.

10. That some criminals and the mob love to hate me out of their crotch will not deter me from bringing up the security breaches about the war on terror that can be handled to have a safer Britain. The Police are expected to be rational and professional when it comes to hate crimes. They have all the paperwork how many times I have described the situation and gave them car number plates and any evidence I could get. Collusion with hate crime discredits the police and the Home Office that has published guidelines about dealing with hate crimes.

11. Of course I did very well to exclude Mark Rowberry back, this guy continues to this day to stir up hostilities and lies against me, surely he doesn't cover my needs for good relationships and friendships.

He keeps being evasive persistently. He had his photos and profile on and once he realized that issues about his person make me angry, he closed down his website to avoid me. In this way he is persistently perpetuating a sick and venomous environment for me and he has to come clean about what happened to him and what has he said and done behind my back.

12. The Obstruction of Justice and the smear campaign agaist me will fall apart, and I will proceed with the decapitation of the Antichrist just as I intended.

Friday 5 October 2007



Wednesday 3 October 2007

Mark Rowberry the imaginary gay and hypohodriac bisexual

Mark, such a handsome and attractive man, imagines himself to be gay.
Tough luck, he is not.
Elton John is a proper gay man, that is to say he is a woman or a queenly woman in a man's body to solve problems: maybe he was brutalized, beaten up, locked up, vilified, exploited as a woman. So, he solved the problem by adopting a safer body and human identity with more equality socially.
Mark Rowberry is no Elton John. He is a male soul, (a male god in fact) in a very dishy male body. Full stop. A man is a man.
Why he imagines stuff then? because
a) he is surrounded by rotting women hiding in male bodies - the cunts.
b) because he is married forever to me, and together we have gathered antimatter capital and put in place a very powerful Kingdom of Heaven, with help and back up from Jesus and other immortal evolution Gods.
c) he has been trying to invalidate me and replace me and be a single god, which structurally, because infinity is made of male-female the smallest unit in the great picture, it is impossible because he would have to give up his entire Kingdom of Heaven creation, his children and practically suicide in order to divorce a co-creator, me, with whom he had taken the decision to be which is forever and with whom he has defeated four satans and this one is the fifth.
d) Just because we are together forever I will not tolerate mischief and him or his friends sticking the daggers in my back.
I have applied for a blog with Henley Standard. Let's find out what their reactions are.
Was Mark really gang raped or damaged in some way by the Henleys and now they are trying to cover up their malice and jealousy for this guy? If so, the Henley Standard will not allow my blog to be published. We'll find out soon what are they up to.

The other thing Mark does, to be oppressive and make sure that a relationship is on his own terms only doesn't work either.
No trick is going to work. I am his wife forever, I got this guy in my pocket, I don't mind if I keep a bit of distance because I tend to nag the hell out of him recently and I don't want to repeat myself. A bit of a distance and detachment and finding some other more decent guy who wants me to be confident and successful is more fair to me.
I am fed up getting murdered by his f....g cunts and his mistresses.
So, let's see if the Henley Standard is into freedom of speech and expression or if they got things to hush-hush.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Thames Valley Police and hate killings

This is my fourth blog about what is the sideways supportiveness Walthamstow Police has been giving to a persistent hate and diffamation crime done against me via the internet primarily, and how this started within the Thames Valley Police environment back in the years 2002-2004.
The links to the other three blogs and many relevent links are on the right.
The scene is that in 2003 and 2004 we got two hate crime tragedies, apart from the Mark Rowberry gangrape-rumours and the hate scam against me.
November 2003 it's the Pemberton killings. There is a review going on now in 2007 about the police handling. This is the link
and I quote:

"January 2007

On 18 November 2003, following more than a year-long campaign of threats and abuse against his estranged wife, Alan Pemberton arrived at his former home in Newbury, Berkshire, and shot and killed his 17 year old son, his wife and then himself. These homicides took place despite repeated warnings by Julia Pemberton to the police that Alan Pemberton was a threat to her and their children.
Successive Chief Constables of Thames Valley Police failed to follow Home Guidance requiring all forces to have domestic violence policies in place. The force ignored serious death threats, failed to investigate the reporting of repeated threats, failed to investigate the gluing of the locks to the house where Julia and Will lived and failed to investigate further written threats, placing the evidence on a closed crime file in the police archives."

The Stuart Horgan I was staring at when he was giving me verbal abuse was on the dangerous offenders list and I had no idea.
How is it that he managed to get arrested and handled many times by the Thames Valley Police for violence and he wasn't affected at all? I have been wrecked for no reason, just because some bloke loves to hate me and this guy Stuart Horgan gets arrested and dealt with and yet, the five times I saw him in 2003 he was in top form, no underdog. I would expect somebody on the dangerous offenders list would be affected by this but he was in top form in terms of high morale and getting "respec" from his mates.
Then in 2006 the police stop a guy carrying beers and start an argument and he dies from been manhandled so one more death enquiry, and there is more repression of witnesses and details about how this guy died on this link:

Then a police marksman shoots somebody by accident during a gun demonstration in May 2007
so, there will be a shooting enquiry.

And the freakout rumours about Mark Rowberry in Henley 2004,
and the Walthamstow Police pretending I should bring them in more evidence, when thousands of people across London hate me because there is an Internet hate campaign going on against me.
Just too many "tragedies" and "failings" all around and I will continue with this blog.

Monday 1 October 2007

The Wallis Simpson deciding factor

The massive social resentment that followed my one night stand with Mark in April 2001 made me remember Wallis Simpson's popularity injury, she sure was the most unpopular foreign woman in Britain, ever. But Mark was no Prince Edward. Imagine if Prince Edward run out of the bedroom to tell his entourage: "I just had great sex! Amazing! That Wallis is the best whore in town, I thoroughly recommend her! Now, make me a list who are the top two richest single women in our social circle, I feel so great! I'm going out on the pull straight away. Oh, and by the way don't tell Wallis I enjoyed sex, just exclude her and cut her off until I tell you I want to recycle her.
I think Wallis would have packed her bags and leave the country, which is what I was expecting to do by the end of 2002.
Wait a minute I thought: what's the big deal here? if the Brits resent relationships based on sexual attraction and are going to moan for the next half a century that I "dominated" sexually Mark because I came from a Far East brothel, why not go along with their mores and let the guy to fall in love according to the woman's financial assets or her bone-structure or according to whom his mates dictate him he is supposed to pull.
So, Mark did not have to abdicate his title as the King of Henley on Thames. He was with the same entourage when I moved away end of 2001.
The thing I know about this guy that he is God and he is known as Adam or St John the Evangelist, I kept it quiet until I verified exactly what are the implications: he had created with me a large anti-matter capital, which gathers by fighting and defeating Satans and then doing immaculate conceptions in antimatter space and then taking the new children down for another war and once the Satan is caught and deposited with Jesus the megasize antimatter capitalist, who is also the world bank of Satans, start again the same operation on a more advanced level.
So, our relationship with Mark Rowberry is that we have a marriage that is 4 Satans old, and this one, the Great Serpent is our fifth. To restore normal function between the antimatter capital, which the Scientologists describe as theta, it could take me 10-20 years work and I will need both forensic hypnotherapy and the entire Satan-Hubbard half temple of Solomon, so as to put in place the other half and thus produce a complete bridge to Freedom.
Being God is about undoing the severe electronic injuries that interfere with our abilities to be cause over life like you would expect from Adam and Eve.
It has nothing to do with massaging his Ego. The Ego packet he has is a material energy packet, the combined habits and brainwashing of the last 100 million years. Our Ego-packets don't match to produce the appearances that you want, but the antimatter capital we got has tremendous world changing potential over the next twenty years.