Sunday, 16 December 2007

Mark Rowberry and the Bodily Ascension in Heaven

So, like I said in my other blog, splitjudas, I have operated my Kingdom of Heavens perfect body-mind set and it is very reassuring to observe with the modern human mind that I got another mind as well which is faster, far more direct, truthful, outspoken and a great deal multilingual.

The weight of the soul or thetan tangled up and running a human body as automaticity is 20 grams. So, inside Mark Rowberry there is 20 grams that are a powerful God to be repaired, because I let him get influenced and become hostage in a Hubbard lemniscate being cause from Hubbard's satan and hypnotist mind and values and this sliced him up into pieces as a God, so I have to fix that in due course.
What I can share on an equal level with other Scientologists is the method to remember clearly the last 100 million years, with standard results within 18 months. That where the treasures of Solomon are.

I have responsibility to upgrade my abilities until I can fully repair the 20 grams God inside Mark Rowberry so as to shift the 20 grams of God and stabilize them in space to run both pairs of bodies minds comfortably just like I experienced it.

The human creature Mark Rowberry, can be a nice guy to many women and people, I saw that directly back in 2001. But, he has killed me a few times and this cut off perception units and cuts down seriously our communication. So, good thing I plugged in the god with passionate sex the first time around.

In those days I didn't know that we are always cause from two lives and two minds.

The way he seemed to plan to treat me like dirt, in order to build up Amanda and Elisabeth, I said "to hell with cosmic love, I am not as big as Jesus and I will go away, if I hang around this guy he will just make me sick and tearful. I don't see the point at all, since I shortchange him in terms of looks and money and I also detest the kind of revolting dudes that will be praising him for messing me up."

So, what if I went to Spain to see him? He will be moaning that I wreck his marriage etc. and I will waste £1000 and days and effort, to be despised and to hear a new batch of complaints and accusations. It looks like a genuine waste of money, time, good will and optimism.
Going through my slaughtered enemy, at first made me very circumspect, but eventually I don't want to punish myself and I don't want others to punish themselves or suffer for forgotten but active sins.
Mark just like any other human is looking for his rightness. So, he has organized with Hubbard lemniscate or subconscious help (in order to keep us split and be safe from Ouroboros) a new rightness in Spain. I have living experience of his rightness in Henley on Thames for a full year back in 2001.
It's better to put him in perspective as one of many disciples that need to be watchful of their safety and be aware of the Antichrist and his methods, and invite him later on to join the rest of us when we start to do group meetings.
As for myself I get along much better with men who haven't murdered me and I will sense if someone has a good impact in my life.

There is a number of cults and mystics and new age people as well as the Pentecostals who have been waiting for the Heavens to open and for bodily ascension. Take it easy, we have some complications, such as OSA-USA dirty tricks, Hubbard the Great Serpent hypnotism, Heber and Lesevre (St Peter and St Thomas) staying put in enemy condition and out of com officially -it doesn't count that they are telepathic, as it cannot be proven-.

This will take time, but Mark Rowberry is the one, he has to do the bodily ascension first, so the wife, his new friends and the spanish authorities better look after him and the Orthodox Christian Churches should read his name to create space and positive vibes.

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