Monday, 21 January 2008

Mark Rowberry the Genetic Entity

Genetic Entity is the life provider of the body and its mind, on a create, survive, destroy cycle
read more here:

So, Mark Rowberry, the GE was playing his cards right, being single and somewhat interested in me back in Feb-April 2001 and I was very exhilarated and enthousiastic that he could be an exciting entertaining boyfriend, jumped in the honey trap head-first and gave him a high quality treat by all accounts.
Being stingy with my trust and affections, there is no denying that I gave Caesar his own, granting of beingness that he is desirable and gratification. Good investment in retrospect, a fruitfull experiment about how inverted Logos works. You see, giving to the GE the life message "you have lived forever, you live forever and you are the most desirable man in the universe" is just what the GE wants to hear. That however is Inverted Logos, but that's exactly what Hubbard uses and abuses to destroy us, he knows that our Godstructure is all beingness and with admiration and validation and granting of beingness in the wrong direction he pulls Adam and his children far away in the opposite direction from their true power and self and beingness. Hubbard knows that only true beingness 1000% and from the true location can strike him down, the body the ambition to command soldiers and weapons and the GE are no Satan-Catchers.

Me, as a GE, I used to look like a mix of Ursula Andress and Nicole Kidman at the start of the Confederacy, but got very injured at the torture camps when I tried to do revolutions and conspiracies against the guys with the Mark of the Beast who eventually had won supremacy after the nuclear holocaust. Because of that torture Jesus decided that he will come here to mess the Antichrist-Judas Iscariot himself, but whatever happens to you, if you don't join forces with me this lifetime, he will let Judas-Hubbard-Antichrist to kill you all forever in the next 300 years (except the 144.000 who are 4 Satans strong), because Jesus is fed up with you backing up Judas-Hubbards joker-degrader-fair game, treachery against me, just to spite me, so if you fail to stop an A-bomb in the Middle East, if Heber Jentzsch St Peter does not hand me over the GE keys to get out of the electronic trap and pin Hubbard down now in 2008, then Jesus will let Judas-Hubbard-Antichrist to vent all his wrath, because he knows that I am your Leader, he just leads your reactive mind to spite me block and sabotage me, to refuse yourself your true beingness and first decisions. Either Hubbard will keep you and the Disciples split from me, or we will win and split Judas, as I explain in my for a year now, and you should read all of my postings there.
When I saw all the goodies Mark Rowberry gets from the other women who want to compete with me, he gets 30K car & 400K house women and tits and ass and blowjobs AND tolerance to sleep around Monday to Thursday, then what is there for me to do? try harder to give what and to get what?
The clergy needs to understand that despite the fact that Jesus knew 2000 years ago I will give this blowjob, and maybe that's why he had kissed me on the lips according to the scriptures, Jesus does not engage in dialogue or negotiations and does not attach importance to the GE whatsoever. As long as I didn't know who is the Antichrist, Jesus did not open any communication initiative with me and he couldn't care less if I marry Mark Rowberry or not.
The only thing that Jesus did with my GE, was after I had remembered Judas Iscariot and what had happened between him and Judas, he extended out a beam to stabilize me, not to have a heart failure from Hubbard's furious rage and beam hits. Apart from keeping my systems steady in order to keep this GE working normal and get on with my tasks to be seen and heard and achieve my objectives, Jesus has no amorous interest or any type of desires or infatuation admiration for the GE. As analogy, you love your wife or husband and you don't want them to crash their car, but you are not in love with their car, you just want them to use it well but you don't transfer your love of your partner to their vehicle do you? But you would be concerned if they get an engine break down, or the brakes don't work.

So, when I got the time I should shred the Da Vinci Code scam in detail.
Hubbard hugely provocative lies as usual that entertain and generate money and keep your considerations on a moronic level where you cannot protect yourselves and your future from the evil of the Antichrist and go blindly like well fed organic chicken or lamps for slaughter by some expert Chef on the telly .

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