Friday, 29 June 2007

Mark Rowberry and me 2001-2007 realistic estimate

We did "the hot sex thing" back in 2001 casually and the Law of Attraction worked powerfully between us. I reminded him that he has lived for ever, he lives for ever and he is the most desirable man in the Universe, that he is God in other words, but all this was in power before the Beginning of Time. Then, we both didn't want to like each other. Why? because we blame each other for whatever damage or disfunctionality the Antichrist had caused us when we had consented to be deceived about his definition. So, Mark Rowberry was off to agree with his buddies that Joanna is t he best whore in town, to explain the attraction to me, and I thought, why do I bother this guy when he's got 3 girlfriends and 15 one night stands? His friends are morons too, get rid of him and disconnected by December 2001. After that I don't follow, Henleys and Londonners followed up with participation in an extra large scale Operation Freak-out, Operation Fair Game. Welcome back to L Ron Hubbard's asymmetric warfare. You don't remember him but you know him. When Mark's buddies confuse talking with farting and imagine themselves to be very cute and funny because they are farting behind my back that I'm a "hooker who wants a proper job", they don't remember that Hubbard had drilled them to "tell lies to control", they just think they are being competitive and "strong" that's why Mark Rowberry's buddies, Aziz, Valerio, the tall guy with the short ponytale, Simon the Dentist etc are Brainwashed servants of the Beast, while, when Heber Jentzsch and Miscavige operate an electronic body in pawn to cause me damage or death they are being manipulated. Welcome to the Church of the Beast the brainwashed many and the manipulated few.
So, for the information of both sides, Mark Rowberry and I will continue on the realistic basis that we do not want to like or love each other: until when? until the Beast is down from rulership and in its proper place. The hostage who was placed by Jesus among us to give away the structured knowledge of God. To get the power from the Beast and take his rulership away, Scientologists, Sea Org members and Operating Thetans need to go on a pragmatic immortality program, to audit all their warcrimes on the timetrack. From there on they get back to their true pandetermined self, heal a lot of their emotional injuries and upsets and can never be fooled again to be slaves in the place of the slave water over earth.
So, my message to the cackling harridans, venomous sluts and frenzied goldiggers and all of Mark Rowberry's buddies who are Cunts like Hubbard, heavily criminal women with a male body/human identity to forget their crimes and make a fresh start is this. Rowberry should start looking after his safety and be moderate in his lifestyle and behaviour, both because the Leadership of CoS have been poisoned against him and wish him dead and because his buddies are brainwashed Cunts, so they could cause him accidents.
So, things are realistic at the moment, Hubbard who has written a lot about auditing terminals, communication lines, GPMs etc. has various cunts and sluts around Mark Rowberry under his direct influence and his buddies and girlfriends are humanoids, when they hate somebody or when they smoke dope they don't know where the urge is coming from, they are brainwashed slaves of the former slave the Beast.
Why was it that no other woman ever thought that this guy is God? The only reason he ever liked me was because this crossed my mind and I got the message across to him directly without words. Because his humanoid girlfriends and one night stands had been led by the beast very early on the time track to kill God in order to be Gods. He led them from pandetermined Gods to obsess how to kill other Gods with beams and become self-determined God cause over the material universe, when true pandetermined Gods are cause over life. That's why it never crossed their mind, so no matter how many blowjobs they gave him, they sucked and sucked but could not repair him. Each time the Beast had led them to kill God, they didn't manage to kill God but they had managed to mutilate themselves and degrade themselves to humanoid amnesiac monkeys. And it all started with this mistake: never can water over earth be a leader, it is a slave, hostage, servant.
I got first hand experience that Hubbard manipulates to the max. Did I ever investigate how did Lisa McPherson die before I was attacked with an electronic body-in-pawn? No, I didn't. What was I doing in 2005, before this attack? Just like any other Scientologist, I was busy learning the good bits of Scientology, listening to the 156 Congress Lectures. Unless I had first hand experience and observation of the LisaMcPherson type of crippling and killing, I would have never imagined how far Hubbard had pushed asymmetric warfare. The grid of pain is in the Major Ridge, the half a mile tall repressed energy-charge from the whole track, the one that if not processed during this lifetime, stays put as a liability for ever. that Major Ridge hits the body and causes disease. But the true bridge starts with pragmatic immortality. Finding out with precision your warcrimes on the wholetrack and getting your theta and your true self and purpose back. Without this stage, it is not possible to start dealing with war,crime and insanity and defeat them. This is the Jesus Agenda for Scientology. OT narcissism and selfishness is the Beast Agenda.

The definition of Hubbard and the Church of the Beast, the World

The first crime of native thetans and their leaders Adam and Eve was misunderstanding the Word=the identity of The Great Serpent-Judas the Disciple-Hubbard-Antichrist, his definition, name,birthmark is: born in the day of Water 696 yin-yang-yin over Earth/Soil year666 yin-yin-yin. Which makes him a Thetan in Jail, Slave, Hostage,Servant, a Thetan being disolved and absorbed by Earth, his name is water irrigating fertile ground. If Adam and Eve had not misdefined him in the first place he would have given the structured knowledge of God and they would have taken it from a Power Condition, without disconnecting from their Native Thetan Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus and the other Gods. By misunderstanding water over earth as a Leader, he became the First Third Party between them and the rest of the native thetans. All religions are boobytrapped. All boobytraps and lies started with one single misunderstanding: that water 696 over earth 666 is hostage, slave, under control, NOT leader. So, Jesus promised him the knowledge 2.000 years ago and brutalized him because Hubbard had disconnected the Native Thetans from their Godstructure and led them to betray, kill and enslave each other. So Hubbard says truthfully that all Religions are boobytrapped because he boobytrapped them himself. Today there is only two kinds of people on the planet: the native thetans who followed Adamas-St John the Evangelist-Mark Rowberry down to war,criminality insanity and amnesia and they are brainwashed by Hubbard on the whole track, and the Scientologists who are being manipulated to serve the Beast because they didn't audit their warcrimes so, they haven't realized what initial crime started the downward spiral. So, Scientologists are not brainwashed, they are manipulated serving the Beast in a brainwashed six billion humanity who serves the Beast but don't remember who taught them to lie, betray, kill, wage wars.
St John the Evangelist-Mark Rowberry does not remember Hubbard. He is not aware that Hubbard had brainwashed him and his buddies to do mischief. The Office of Special Affairs on the other side, when they apply the policy "tell lies to control" they know the Source, but, they have not confronted that he is the source of evil, because, Just like me, they have been busy learning the good gnostic methods of Scientology, so, they did not have spare time to come to terms with the fact that he is the source of evil because they misdefined him as a leader.
So, the Church of the Beast is the amnesiac humanity who went down under their leader the amnesiac Mark Rowberry. The Gods, Jesus and the free native thetans know that the way out is the way through. That if Adamas-St John-Mark Rowberry is repaired, totally free from the Major and Minor Ridge then all humanity will follow him back to freedom.
Mark Rowberry's situation is that he never heard of Scientology but Hubbard has been telling lies about him, about me and Jesus since the fifties when he had realized he is the original Slavemaster, the inventor of false goals, implants, electric shock torture, degradation of the genders, alterisness of definitions and conditions.
So, Mark Rowberry needs to take a break and look after himself and his personal safety, I need to get the whole knowledge across worldwide and start winning back positions and key terminals from the Beast.
So, Panorama should do a program with me exclusively: What Jesus revealed about Scientology and Hubbard.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

BBC1 Panorama "Scientology and me"

On the 14th of May 2007, Panorama broadcasted an investigation by John Sweeny of the "cult of Scientology" where the Spokesman for the Church was Tom Davis, see link to his bio. Tom Davis just like Tom Cruise is a "piece" for Hubbard, that's to say his goodwill is being exploited. Hubbard's bet was that as long as Scientologists look away from their own war crimes on the whole track they will never find out his crime of defining himself as Leader when he is the hostage,servant,slave of the native thetans and getting Adamas-St John the Evangelist agree on that definition, thus leading all of us to the present degraded state of moronic malicious monkeys that throw bombs on each other in the name of Justice. The Sea Org members looked away because the questions had not been written down and have been exploited/manipulated by the Antichrist Agenda.
John Sweeny had a malignant hypertension outburst worth watching, not just because he had been harassed but because he had been monitored with an electronic-radionic body in pawn.
I made contacts with the Christian Churches here but they are afraid to listen just in case this gives me any authority or influence. So, they said if the BBC does a program on you, we will start paying attention, otherwise we are too busy. I had been in touch with the Panorama Research team 3 weeks ahead of the broadcast, where they would not respond to my messages etc. and after the broadcast they became even more cagey as the Church of Scientology was accusing the BBC of organizing terrorist threats against them. BBC1 cannot deal with the fact that this is the Antichrist Desk, not some dodgy brainwashing cult. Scientologists are not brainwashed, they are manipulated but the world around them though good intentioned is amnesiac therefore brainwashed. So, the panorama Researchers would not come down to the Reception to meet me or get involved for fear of being trapped into some revenge by the Church of Scientology, and they quickly moved on to other topics like Tony Blair leaving etc. to put the whole thing behind them. but the media has to give me freedom of speech to describe and redefine the Antichrist now. That's where the Pragmatic Immortality program becomes an necessity. Those main Henchmen who knowingly serve the Antichrist Agenda: Lesevre,Miscavige,Jentzsch,Rinder did not show up in Panorama. They keep taking orders from Hubbard and bide their time to review their options. My definition of Hubbard as hostage/slave in the media is the first step to get out of our crimes and back to freedom. In this confrontation, as they practice asymmetric warfare Mark Rowberry could get murdered, because he hasn't got a clue who he is and what is going on.
I am the only one who has clearly observed the LisaMcPherson system of killing or crippling people and if I get any more delays from the media, I could have "mysterious" situations and "vanish" or have an "accident", and then you have no Leadership out of the trap and out of confusion. The within 40-50 years these electronic body in pawn stations will develop in body-thetans factories where thousands of you will be pulled from the Major Ridge into Implant-Injury-Brainwashing programms and will be too weak to even run a monkey body and be a human.
Sea Org members take confessionals regularly and if Hubbard really wanted them to come clean of their crimes on the whole track he would have written down questions such as: in the last 3000 years have you participated in a genocide? In the last 3.000 years have you killed any Romans, Jews, Egyptians, Arabs, Christians, Armenians, Kurdish, Chinese, black people, have you done slave trade etc. and after spending 6 months to recover and readjust your memory about the last 3.000 years the Auditor would go further back in time with the Confessionals: in the last 90 million years have you ever bombed other races, have you ever bombed other planets, have you ever set up concentration camps on other planets, have you ever threatened with extinction other planet populations unless they surrender to slavery terms? Have you ever consented to medical experiments on other planet populations to extract biological substances for your own eugenic programs? These are accurate questions and show with big readings on the E-meter, so the person goes over the incident again and again and brings it up to awareness. But Hubbard wrote down policies to keep ethics in only to keep the tech in. So as to fool amnesiac Sea Org members and customers about who he really is. Once you find out what have you done, it is inevitable that you will find out what crimes Hubbard has done to be brutalized by Jesus when he was his disciple Judas. So, Hubbard pushed it further writing that if coaxed to confront their crimes people might suicide because they need their Rightness of Being. The opposite is true. Once you go through your war crimes, as I did from 2005-2007, you unravel the whole web of crimes on each other and you reach the bottom line. The first crime was the misdefinition of this one slave of ours as Leader. From there, conflicting sides start to get their true rightness and this narrow path leads back to our freedom. So, you will meet the Lord on this narrow path.

The one single crime against God and pragmatic immortality

The downfall from Immortal Souls in the Image of God (=native thetans) started by Adamas-St John the Evangelist-Mark Rowberry reversing the definition of the Great Serpent:so, the cornerstone of all crimes and degradation from immortals to monkey bodies struggling to survive that followed, started from ONE misunderstading: the name-definition of the Great Serpent. The name is the birthmark. The birthmark is not some scar on the body. The birthmark is the element combination of the day the immortal soul intersects with the just born baby. The just born baby has been developping for 9 months. The year the body gets born is the definition of the Major and Minor Ridge, that's to say the Genetic Entity which produces for a soul one human body after another, an average of 12-15 bodies-human life spans in 2000 years. The element of the year is defined by the 9 Star ki or Flying Stars system from China which contains the first and best written binary code of structure. So, for the Great Serpent the Genetic entity is always 666, three yin lines, soil element 2, or yin,yin,yin (--). The element of the thetan the day he gets born, that is the day he gets shot down into the born body is 696, that is yin-yang-yin, water element. Water is controled or jailed or destroyed by earth-soil 2: so the name of the Great Serpent is Thetan-Immortal soul in captivity, slavery, destruction. So we, the former native thetans, 6 billion population, together with the free native thetans 500 trillion population have one common stable datum. The Great Serpent is placed into our society to be our hostage,slave,servant, the Great Serpent has no right to exist for its own self development, expansion or creation of new directions, the Great Serpent has one purpose of existence and placement only, to give us all knowledge and good qualities it possesses for us to multiply them and upgrade and be in equal finer immortal evolution. So, Adamas the Leader of the Native Thetans did the crime to misdefine the Great Serpent and define it as Leader, Mentor, Advisor, Power Guru, Guide to new types of God activities and worse as his equal partner,so Adamas made our slave his equal partner in my place. Adamas attempted bigamy, to work for two Masters. The result was that the Great Serpent out of hate for being positioned slave, hostage, servant to our eternal evolution and expansion, gave Adamas "plausible" God existence alternatives. It encouraged Adamas to define himself as a Selfdetermined God (instead of Pandetermined) who is primarily cause over matter (instead of primarily cause over immortal life). And even today, Hubbard defines the Operating Thetan as cause over life, thought and MEST (matter,energy,space,time). The Thetan has no relation with the material universe, except that he can locate into material space where there is no life-purpose. The first "new powers-new God" experience teaching of the Great Serpent was to create explosions, thunderbolts, electricity beams, hit with material energy other thetans, which we call War/Revolt in Heavens. It wasn't done because we were arrogant and wanted to be Gods. We were already Pandetermined Gods, it was done to start a new God identity where the material energy of electricity and thunder is used against Thetans and Theta space. So, our Theta space collapsed, our visual and emotional contact and our communication with our real group, with Jesus and the other Gods and O Celestial Orders was now cut -off by a dense electrical force field. That's were the degradation started. No theta space, no theta group. Heavy losses, exhaustion, which gave the chance to the Great Serpent to hypnotize Adamas and his followers further to be Gods Jupiter-style, that are only forceful obsessive compulsive cause-domination over others and so the slave turned us into slaves. The slave, through Adamas misdefinition managed to make us immortal souls in jail, with no other condition of existence except slavery and that's how we end up being a degraded joke who believes that he is right in his mind and superior and strives for "greatness". Wrongness and degradation started with misedifinition of one single slave into a leader. To rehabilitate now from this first crime you start on a program of Pragmatic Immortality:
What's really important is you as Cause-Source. So, you find out with an auditor what contrasurvival actions or omissions you have done this lifetime to others. Family, friends, members of society, groups. At this stage you discover and come to terms that you always justify your contrasurvival actions and also that after doing the deed, you don't want to look at it, you cannot make it vanish, but you can turn it black, forget it and suppress it mentally. So, you come to terms with the mental environment you created this lifetime, doing contrasurvival actions, justifying them, turning them black, forgetting them and keep looking away from blackness to new things and new future activities. The practice of turning back blackness-forgetfulness into memory-awareness with precise event,form of action, place and time, the finding of your actions with material and emotional precision gives you back your truth as a creator and cause being.
From there, the auditor helps you with questions to reach-withdraw from larger black fields that are actions crimes in past lives. Top priority is for the auditor to locate which ethnic group you have killed or participated in killing within the last 3.000 years. You reach and then bounce back in shock, you gradually get more familiar with the black fields you put there to forget your actions and to your initial shock and horror you find out one big event: I found out my participation in the St Bartholomew Massacre of the Protestants in Paris as advisor to King Francois IX. Because our true background is immortal and it was our own decision that others live forever and that we live forever in equal measure, by going through the precise event where we killed others we get our own lifeforce back. This lifeforce then moves fast to heal what others did to us. Death penalties, painful deaths from illness, suicides, all our death events from the last 3.000 years rise up visible in our awareness and the suppressed suffering from them disintegrates. So, in a matter of weeks we are dealing with the situation that we have been around in the last 3.000 years several times, there was trouble, but we didn't die and we didn't die and we didn't die. So, we adjust to the fact that the only thing that made us amnesiac one-lifetimers was that we had decided to kill our enemy to make him vanish and to cut life from evil and keep life for the good, except our enemy was never killed but we recorded at effect point his full killing and continued to keep our enemy killed spending huge amounts of life force on the automatic to keep our forgotten killed enemy dead and this life force is freed and comes back to ourselves as ownership of more memory, awareness and knowledge of cause and effect. And that is pragmatic immortality, which stretches minimum to 90 million years as we need to come to terms with our military record from the creation of the Galactic Confederacy and the space conquest and colonies of the 78 planets we put together under a master race with a totalitarian regime. Hubbard wasn't mad, he didn't make Scientology to be a millionnaire, he didn't work sixteen hours a day- 8 hours management 8 hours research- to be a Messiah who will save the world from evil. He worked so hard to win back his immortality, and free selective abilities in other people to make them grateful loyal henchmen and pieces and continue to be slave master. After we find our military war crimes record we find out what crimes and betrayals our fellow men did to us and to each other with precision and at the end of the road we find what crimes l Ron Hubbard did to us and to others and who was his first victim and the first Leader of our Group that he misled so that we end up in degradation and perdition following our own Leader and giving him the blame. But Jesus the faithful witness freed him from his misdefinition crime on the condition that we correct the crime and define honestly the Great Serpent, to rehabilitate ourselves and put order in the Creation Hubbard our slave we come back to freedom and truth.
That's where the confrontation is with the Church of Scientology and that's why, Mark Rowberry the amnesiac St John Adamas, the heaviest casualty and weakest link needs to stop working and doing business and property development etc. and take a break from it all, until I straighten up the Church of Scientology as the Slavemasters of the Great Serpent and we start an international program of pragmatic immortality that makes it verifiable and evident that the mother of all battles is to UN-kill the false enemies you are busy holding as dead in automated amnesia. It's time to stop being amnesiac slaves. The benefits of the process are enormous.
It's a total emergency for publicity for my findings worldwide and raising awareness about the source of crimes, to establish an international pragmatic immortality program that will come to replace army service. The structural impossibility to kill our enemy and the damage we do to our strength, selfdeterminism and pandeterminism has to be known, so, we should do a documentary with Antenna TV asap as a lot of developments took place in Greece in the time of Socrates and Alexander the Great. Same time as the UK which is a major terrorist target and it's second largest community is Muslim. I need to be listened to in the media, as the clergy here told me, go to the BBC first and if they do a program we'll start listening otherwise we are too busy.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Safety rules for Antichrist opponents,targets and victims

Better safe than sorry, should be your motto, especially when you are down in a condition of confusion because you were told that the Antichrist is a bad boy called Damien.
The social asymmetric warfare methods of the Antichrist-Hubbard are well documented: Operations Fair Game, Operation Freak-out, Operation Snow White.
The Flag based Electronic-Radionic Body-in-pawn tech is not widely known however. It is "unreal" to you, but it can kill you or give you a nervous breakdown especially if you are not familiar at all with Scientology. I suspect that Mariah Carey, Robbie Williams and Britney Spears who had bizzare nervous breakdowns over the years were attacked because they are not like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, they got huge talent,success and influence and no "gratitude" for Scientology, so, one guy obsessed to rule Hollywood attacked them with this method to degrade and invalidate them. These are extrovert,artistic people and they would never figure out what happened to them and who, how and why did it.
The main structure of the human is the thetan glued on an invisible energy Ridge, that starts right above the head of each person and is about half a mile high and 500 metres wide. Let's call it the Major Ridge:This has a set of seven chakras, communication centres in 5 directions self to self, self to others, others to self, others to others,others to themselves which are jammed with bypassed charge,engrams and dense black fields. This half a mile body of dense invisible suppressed energy is interlinked with the Minor Ridge, the body-chakras, which extend above and below the body and are about 20 feet long in total and about 10 feet wide around the body. The two sets of chakras the Major and Minor Ridge resonate and disturb each other, constantly creating a vicious circle that wears down the body and keeps the thetan at effect point-paralyzed. The main grid of pain and electronic ridges of pain is located on the Major Ridge. The two sets, from the body and from the thetan form a vicious circle. Your diet, exercise, chemicals, and activities affect the Minor Ridge of the body and they restimulate the Major Ridge and that is how you normally fall ill, but the Flag based and trained Solo Auditors can do the reverse: hook your Major Ridge and pull it into an electronic body in pawn with very intricate electronic and radionic circuits. The result then is that at cause point you have one body to move about, talk and get on with your life goals, but at effect point-receiving point there is a second body from which your Major Ridge gets hit with electricity and this trasfers pain, disease and disturbance to your biological body. The immediate effect is to raise your blood pressure suddenly, within an hour in malignant levels that can make you dizzy, faint,- it made my blood vessels burst and start bleeding from the nose,- cause numbness at the left or right side of the face and occular hypertension. If you are not familiar with hypertension symptoms, then you may interpret your condition as stress or anxiety and you will neglect it with serious damage: minor strokes, seizures,epileptic seizures, fits like John Sweeny who didn't realize what's happening to him and that he is dealing with the Antichrist, L Ron Hubbard the specialist in asymmetric warfare and electronic circuits, the guy who taught the native thetans how to throw bolts and beams at first and later on how to torture each other with electric shock. So, first thing you do: Buy a blood pressure monitor where the measuring unit sits on a table and with an arm band. It is much more accurate than the wrist monitor which readings vary if you hold your wrist one intch higher or lower. If you have high systolic, like 140-150 or higher, then herbal diuretics with NO caffeine in them and plenty of water, will drop your blood pressure within 8 hours. You need to keep measuring your blood pressure daily several times and change diet-habits etc to get to safer lower levels.
This system is also used to cause you sleep deprivation, a torture that Hubbard has used profusely on the whole track, on his wives and in the Sea Org RPF. Sleep deprivation raises the diastolic blood pressure. A reading of 125 diastolic means that you may need intensive care, because high diastolic means that the Body in Pawn and the insomnia don't let the heart muscle rest properly and can cause you a heart attack. For this talk with your doctor, as I did, I was given a good quality sleeping tablet which balanced my nervous system and allowed my heart to rest properly for seven hours. In addition, I ditched alcohol all together, not a drop, exercise and keep losing weight as every stone less weight drops the blood pressure by 6-7 units average. I have to do all these things although I know that in my family genetics, people in their fifties can be 3 stone overweight drink and smoke, get away with it until 85 and have never ever witnessed hypertension in 3 generations 15 closest relatives. But, I don't try to prove to the doctor or the psychiatrist that I have the right to stay overweight and keep my bad habits and only the body-in-pawn is to blame. I do take control of each factor I can control, and meanwhile I have urged the FBI to raid Flag and seize the Bodies-in-Pawn and pull the plug. While the world is sceptical about it, be very alert, this system is a combination of solo-auditing to open a com.line to your subconscious (goals problems mass, arc breaks, grief,loss, anger, rage, any button that makes you tick) create acceptance and subconscious agreement with the solo-auditor who now acts as a remote-hypnotist on you and interferes with you when you go to sleep.

We have seen Bob Minton fight hard against unjustice and the cruel death of LisaMcPherson and then go "mysteriously" quiet, we have seen judges display "strange behaviour" we have seen the IRS give the Church tax-excempt status "mysteriously"and I will put a link on my blog about these cases. Just because the electronic-body in pawn and solo-auditing with remote hypnosis and radionics is "unreal" as a warfare type, don't get victimized. Whether you get attacked depends on factors that have to do with the Antichrist Agenda details. Just avoiding to buy Scientology books does not protect you or make you safe in any way. This is an all out War for the Antichrist to stay in power and use the Operating Thetans and the Sea Org guys who are native thetans as his henchmen and his pieces.
While I explain to the Churches what did Judas-The Antichrist do to St John the Evangelist-Mark Rowberry to make him end up mentally ill, he needs to be provided with personal security, very good housing and the best medical care. He is the heaviest casualty ofthe Great Serpent and the proof of his malice. That's why Jesus healed him for a lifetime, because the source of evil had been Judas, not St John. He was misledinto revolt and degraded his friends too. I know three of his friends that were not in touch this life time. One is a tall and posh guy John Kennedy Junior who was very unlucky, despite all his material possessions and high social status and crashed his plane killing himself, his wife and her sister, the other "old buddy" of his is Charles Manson who did stuff they used to do together 3.000 years ago, he is just a copycat of a 3000 year old "friendship" and "sharing power" and the third one is a guy who smokes dope and treats his Swedish girlfriends like dirt. So, he is safer to be with Christian Church people as psychiatrists cannot get him out of his situations, the top Scientologists are fooled that Hubbard is an innocent freedomfighter and want Mark Rowberry dead or criple and his friends are lousy quality and could kill him by accident.
I haven't seen Mark Rowberry ever since I moved house,December 2001. Knowing that he was Ludwig II of Bavaria, with mental illness problems and sexual dillemas that still remain in his Diary, I wouldn't be surprised if he had psychiatric treatment and rehab at least a couple of times between 2002-2007. The encounter with me boosted his confidence and he had 3 girldfriends and 15 one-night stands. As they got all the treats and I got all the derision and the sexual hate and he was grateful to his "bestest mates" when they suggested to cut me off socially, it was best to stay with those women he appreciated and treated well. He knew how to treat a woman well and his buddies were putting down their solid assets on the tableand make sure he fucks the richest,thinnest possible. And he could also afford to buy himself a lapdancer or three, so, not getting any joy from this guy, best thing was to leave him with his money and his mates. But the LisaMcPherson attack on me in 2006-2007 makes it a security matter for him to be in safety and protected by the Church. The funny thing is that the Church does not protect me or even listen to me in any way, with all their status and money, I am the one who has to protect them, when I just got out of incapacity benefit because of the body-in-pawn persistent attack.
Judas-the Antichrist has a birthmark and so does St Peter, who is also involved with Scientology and supports the Antichrist. I got the structure of the birthmarks that identify those two.
The other danger with the electronic body in pawn and remote hypnosis when you go to sleep by a solo-auditor is, that you are not a very fit thetan and they can extract, while your body is sleeping and you are hypnotized as a thetan, crucial information like your bank account, secrets that would destroy your reputation or career, passwords, you as a thetan are not in good shape to stay away from remote hypnosis and "solo-auditing debriefing" while your body is asleep. For this reason, you must never ever fight the Antichrist as an individual but with the full back up of the media and freedom of speech. The "mysterious deaths" of Scientologists will only stop when we make the Antichrist give up all hope that he can cover up his past with Jesus, his current strategy and his identity. That's what Hubbard is fighting for: to make the native thetans HE degraded grateful, for giving them useful knowledge and getting them out of invalidations and confusion, to use them as henchmen and pieces to rule the Planet, after the Middle East gets nuked by 2012 the latest and the dust settles worldwide in a new order, out of necessity to deal with demographic explosion, we will be 9 billion by 2050 and environmental disasters that will bring about the need for global control, not just global cooperation.
I propose that Mark Rowberry is taken to safety first.
That the LisaMcPherson case reopens and I will give my evaluation about what she is telling in the logs as I remember the whole track. There are passages there which point out who specifically solo-auditied her into total neurological damage and death and forensics can provide more evidence from other body-in-pawn targets.
That I video a series of lectures for religions and laymen, how the Great Serpent used the Gradient Scales and the electrical-electronic structure of the material universe to degrade native thetans into monkey body humanoids until he lost all the knowledge too and Jesus promised him to reconnect him with it. So, he was reconnected with the knowledge in 1938 and managed to extricate himself from his own traps, he had become the effect of his own creation, but now he only gives the knowledge to those who profess to be his slaves or his fools. In fact the knowledge is ours and we owe him nothing, as he had the knowledge before the beginning of time, made Adamas-St John the Evangelist start the war in Heaven which took place in the material space, between galaxies and which collapsed theta space for several trillion native thetans, who were led away from the true God-structure, to false Gods, like the radioactive mass that pulls in thetans to be all-in-one, the Serenity movement, Nirvana states and individuated Gods full of wrath, selfishness and force. Everything to cut off the native thetans from their Lotus structure network with a binary smallest unit of male-female. And he is the source of wars to mutilate male thetans and the vilification of women and sex to arc break and oppress them.

So, better safe than sorry.

Watch your health-blood pressure -insomnia.

Act collectively and openly. For me, a combination of Panorama, daily press, lectures to the religions and several films as well as my position towards the top ten Henchmen at the Church of Scientology made public and clear.

Make it known to your doctor if you are a Scientology critic, as they have been getting away with it, they use the system persistently and you may need to be referred to a neurology specialist or have CT brain scans.

Educate others not to be "dead agents" like the Londoners in the fight of the Antichrist, they should get smarter. He used them to fair game and freak me out and they were fooled completely and made fools of themselves. They won nothing, he hopes he delayed me and damaged my image, authority and reputation.
I did an excellent job and I had a very positive impact on Mark Rowberry, but, being the first and worst victim of the Antichrist he hit me back with asymmetric warfare just like his ruthless mentor had taught him. His mentor, Judas-L Ron Hubbard had made him to be a joker and degrader, an SP, PTS to the society that once he was leading to perdition, yet, Jesus showed me exactly what works in Scientology and I managed to open clearly the whole track and start getting my act and the world straight.
Jesus was the faithful witness who never missed any alter-isness or hypnotism or any aberration and deception that the Great Serpent-Judas-Hubbard passed on to Adamas-St John the Evangelist. Jesus knows that Hubbard is the source of lies that's why he had to be the source of Scientology. To apply the Socratic Method on his lies and traps.
Why all this? Because the Great Serpent was placed in the Native Thetan Society to give the structured knowledge for the sake of our evolution. Out of jealousy for our greatness, strength and beauty and immortal future expansion, he fooled Adamas and his followers to the opposite direction. After being totally screwed up along with us, Jesus helped him to get his act straight and now he is posing saying that Jesus was a paedophile and he didn't exist either.
So, do what Jesus did to him. Take his knowledge and SP declare him too.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Asymmetric warfare is not covered by religious tolerance

Knowing the Great Serpent-Judas-Hubbard-Antichrist, he is the calculated,premeditated,strategic Original source of asymmetric warfare against the native thetans. When you read the Conditions, the Gradient Scales, the Dynamics,Engrams, Flows the definition of aberration you are reading what structured knowledge ofGod did he use to seduce and deceive St John the Evangelist to be groomed as the leader of the revolt in Heavens, as the fighter who was going to make the interconnected synergetic paradise master builder native thetans into individuated Gods, Jupiter style, that throw bolts, beams and make explosions so that all theta space collapses. What knowledge he used against you, how did he decapitate that Big Thetan Adamas by systematic, "innocent alterisness" until getting you down to a humanoid level where you are glued on a half a mile invisible energy ridge interlinked with a 20 feet 7 chakra ridge in the body and can be tortured and killed just like all these "mysterious dead" surrounding Scientology. Mark Rowberry doesn't know the Flag Scientologists but they know him and me.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Jesus has three ranks of wives

We are all made in the image of God and the image of God is a) a polarity structure between two firm terminal Yang-Yin or The Father and the Holy Ghost, Cause-Manifestation. We are made up from the decision to be forever at Cause and Effect-Manifestation. Manifestation at the top is the Holy Ghost, after that, it takes at least three male Gods to extend and intersect points to view to create one Goddess. Judas-the Great Serpent-Antichrist is a Godess a female principle made up by the rulers of the Underworld, Nebro, Adonaios, Saklas etc. in the Judas Gospel as well as partly by Jesus. She was placed into our society to distribute the knowledge to Adam so that the Underworld does not rule over us, as the Judas Gospel says but the Great Serpent deliberately misled Adam and his followers to function in the opposite direction of the God structure, which is b) what we do to others, what others do to others,what others do to us, what we do to ourselves, and what others do to themselves. So the one God structure is male-female, hence the Law of Attraction and expands in five flows of awareness and action Pandeterminism. So, the damage the Great Serpent has caused to Adam-Mark Rowberry is individuation, being a total dominator in one flow-absolute domination over others with no awareness or responsibility for the other four flows. That is the source of degradation. Judas is that Jesus wife who was positioned to give the structured knowledge of God and did the opposite, until we all hit rock bottom. So, she wrote down the knowledge as Jesus commanded now in the 20eth century, but wants to use it against humanity because she has only two positions in our world. Her rank as Jesus wife is to be our hostage- slave placed in our Universe to distribute her knowledge to achieve evolution, from her place as our hostage. But she made Adamas follow her as a Leader to perdition. So the structure was reversed and consolidated to the energy ridge, which if hit with electricity and radionics results in a LisaMcPherson type of breakdown and death. Judas future is to be squeezed dry of his knowledge of God and become our hostage while we expand. We have done similar evolution before with Jesus wives, three of his wives are Satans, the biggest one is the Lightbringer, that's to say we had conquered their knowledge and they served our evolution and they show up to reveal our blind spots only when Jesus commands for the purpose of us the misled followers of Adamas to regain our true structure and strength. So, the Satanists have never talked to a Satan, because you have to go through Jesus and he has to decide to send a Satan to help, because the 3 Satans I have seen are his wives-hostages in our service for our evolution. Hubbard-Judas-Antichrist is THAT wife and female goddess who hides in a male gender false identity and does not want to be taken hostage, she cannot go away and be free . Either she sends you away from the God structure and stays the slave master- the Beast or, you take and share her knowledge repair each other and place her in the position of hostage because she is in Treason condition to Jesus Purpose and you are in confusion condition to Jesus evolution purpose. So far, we have 3 Satans-hostage-wives that point out what is being created for ever, the evolution to higher immortal levels of creation,fertility, expansion. Judas-Hubbard who is the Antichrist because he opposes Jesus purpose for our evolution and has degraded us in a strategic-gradient manner that Mark Rowberry's situation describes, and the other two wives that have the goal to take the knowledge from Judas-Hubbard and upgrade humanity are me and Durga. There is no such thing as a single God or Goddess. They are in mutual co-creation, the Antichrist is the point of resistance the pull away from God to the Underworld by confusion of function and me and Durga are pulling the knowledge in the opposite direction the reversal of degradation through war,crime,insanity use of material force.
So, when Jesus confronted Judas, he was telling. Game over, you will hand over the knowledge to repair Admas-Mark Rowberry and reverse the degradation and you will be replaced in your church, which is this world of 6 billion former Gods now amnesiac humanoids.
The battlefield is placing the knowledge under the Jesus Agenda and Britain, St Hill and the City Org are where this starts, that's why this has to go out on TV and the media for the Church to know and bring here Heber Jentzsch and the rest to face up to their actions.

Jesus, Judas, Mark Rowberry and the Evolution goal

Judas-Hubbard the Antichrist has put in place the LisaMcPherson system of nervous damage and killing which hits with electricity the Ridge, the total reactive mind that each person has consolidated over trillions of years. So, now, you can be killed with your consent. Since I got first hand experience I have already asked the FBI to raid Flag-Florida and emailed the local Senators. But here in Britain, you have St Hill and new Org in the City and John Sweeny also got tangled up because he did not realize that he is up against the Desk of the Antichrist. I need freedom of speech in the media to take up Jesus link with this situation.
The Great Serpent-Antichrist had misled Adamas-St John the Evangelist-Mark Rowberry to reverse by function God's structure. Mark Rowberry's behaviour is the result of trying to be a single dominant God with absolute rule and no responsibility for trillions of years. Every lie and deception that worked on him, has worked on the rest of the humanity that has followed him until now. So, he is the compact set of lies and deceptions and should not be judged for the resulting lifestyle or mental imbalance because his failings point the way out.
I have been emailing and faxing the Leaders of the Church of Scientology, mainly Heber Jentzsch to come here with the rest (Miscavige,Lesevre,Rinder) and have an open confrontation about splitting the Scientology Tech from the Antichrist Agenda, because if you don't back me up with Freedom of Speech for the Anglican Church and the rest of the religions to listen, you will be under the Iron Rod of a new order that can target you,monitor and kill you in a way you cannot fight back and I have the way out from observing Mark Rowberry's mental and behavioural situation. This guy is the heaviest casualty of the Great Serpent, and because the Tech of Scientology did not exist before the twentieth century I had tried and failed disastrously to repair him to his true self. So Jesus had healed for a life Magdalene and St John from their mutual emotional and mental injuries and commanded Judas to write down the Knowledge. The Scientology knowledge belongs to the Jesus purpose to stop warfare and degradation and I got my memory back for the last 90 million years and now I know how we ended up being in the image of God and being a monkey-body joke trying to survive and trying in vain to be good, in a condition of confusion. Terrorism and wars exist because we have been the systematic target of asymmetrical warfare from the specific Great Serpent Hubbard, who is now keeping the knowledge hostage in the hands of a group he deceived to hide the keys to the reversal of war, treason and brutality. That Church has the keys to Mark Rowberry's repair and they want us both dead. You need to back up my freedom of speech and access to the media, and make St Hill and the City Org to serve the Jesus agenda and demostrate to equal numbers of Muslims, Jews, Christians what happens when we throw rockets and bombs on each other. I have the knowledge and they have the infrastructure and skilled manpower to demonstrate that the current use of war and terrorism will only make us slaves to the Antichrist within a few years.
The Church of Scientology Florida used their access to the BBC in a certain way, to confuse. It's game over with them.
Give me the same opportunity, access and freedom of speech because this bizzare encounter with Mark Rowberry, who is the biggest warcriminal on the whole track, and I remembered my own warcrimes as well started the reversal of warfare and terrorism. Magdalene and St John are not a prostitute and a gay man, they are two warcriminals, except that Magdalene has the gnostic technology to take responsibility and straighten up both her war crimes as well as St John's and his followers. I am the first warcriminal who held similar jobs like the CIA and the Mossad and done similar "operations" and this story has to be told in detail. As long as you shut me up, Hubbard hopes to hide that he was Judas and the "mysterious deaths" around that Church will go on and terrorism will get worse.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

LisaMcPherson new type of torture/killing method

The Freak out and the Fair game situation I am in are not too surprising. Even Mark Rowberry's reassurances that he has always been perfectly ok, they sound good but under the circumstances I wouldn't be surprised if he had "mysterious misfortunes" between 2002-2007 when I had disconnected from him completely.
That's because the Source of Asymmetrical Warfare, Great Serpent-Judas-Hubbard-Antichrist, has put in place this new system of neurological damage and killing, the Lisa McPherson "psychotic-nervous breakdown". For those who are not familiar, click at the links.
Lisa is known because the damage happened in Ford Harrison, while in custody/care of the Church, but, she wasn't in a psychotic breakdown, she was being attacked with a new type of mental torture and killing. Scientologists protest about psychiatrists doing ECT, because ECT hurts the thetan and also damages the links in the brain, without healing or curing anything, ECT just blasts the thetan below apathy and the brain connections into a shock. But the Top Ten of the Church can hit with electricity and radionics the thetan directly, on the ridge, and cause epileptic seizures, severe insomnia, nervous exhaustion, malignant hypertension that can give strokes or mini-strokes and they have done a LisaMcPherson on me during the year 2006-2007. So, I did the opposite of Lisa, I went straight to accident emergency, I had severe insomnia and high blood pressure, I was willing to be interviewed by a psychiatrist to his satisfaction that I am of sound mind, 3 interviews in total, I had a CT brain scan and was interviewed by a Neurologist, I had blood tests and I made it known to any doctor that I am in conflict with the Church of Scientology -Flag-Florida because I remembered that Hubbard was Judas and that he knew Jesus very well indeed.

Mark answered the phone today,

So, I asked him if these freak-out rumours that he was raped, castrated, his money stolen were true. He said no. I asked him is he in one piece, in good health, normal life? He said yes. I asked why he dosn't answer his email, he said he doesn't use that email address anymore, hasn't looked it up because he uses another email. I asked him does he live in Henley as his website says on or abroad. He said he lives abroad. Maybe he his cagey and doesn't want me to know if he is in London. Healthwise he sounds ok.
So, this is an operation Freak-out in terms of sick rumours to make me look like a mad woman, it is also an operation Fair Game in terms of various scumbags farting behind my back that I am "a hooker who wants a proper job".
When I met him back in 2001 I was an average amnesiac just like everybody else. I got clued up that we actually go out and about as thetans making arrangements for one year, before our conception. 1962 when I saw him and four of his mates and the 80.000 monks was pretty disturbing and it took me many years to sort out why all these situations in 1962.
While nextdoor in Henley I was observing his personality and realized that Jesus had lifted the whole and complete ridge from the thetan, that's why he is impossible to recognise in his behaviour as St John the Evangelist. If Jesus did not have the native thetan ability to throw theta space around his chakras and disconnect him from the ridge firmly for a full lifetime, then Jesus would have a full time job to run after him and tell him don't get drunk, don't start wars, don't sleep around etc. because with his reactive mind-the ridge, he is a right handful. So, Jesus had him under his command without the slighterst worry or upset, being a 100% balanced guy. This ability to throw theta space and split the thetan from the reactive mind is commonplace to Five Hundred Trillion Thetans, as I have seen.
All his madness and superiority comes from trillions of years being on the false goal to be a single God who has total power and no responsibility from a single Godlike all dominant persona, and that's the false goal that victimized him, after the Great Serpent had made him the Leader of the Revolt and War in Heavens in which native thetans smashed to pieces each others theta space and lost the ability to produce theta space as well as the connection with their own main group. So, it was useless for me to get hostile because "he doesn't register that it's moronic to call me a whore behind my back and that it is crazy to actually treat Aziz and Simon the Dentist a thousand times better than me. He doesn't register, he doesn't copy what his actions are, because he is busy for trillions of years trying to create a superior godlike persona from the position of the monkey-body, the human body plus the ridge the condensed reactive mind.
So, he is the heaviest casualty of the systematic alterisness and structural degradation of the Great Serpent because he has lost two power stations out of three, the Indestructible Viewpoint and the Native thetan and tries to be all powerful and dominant from the weakest smallest powerstation the human identity. So, he has a narcissistic criminal personality. The same method is used on the top Operating Thetans like Lesevre, Miscavige, etc. They are narcissistic criminals in the quest to be Gods. If it worked so well on St John and damaged him to the bone, of course this deception works on Miscavige and Lesevre. They are smaller thetans than St John. So, St John isthe blueprint of how aberration and degradation started. Anything that damages him will damage everybody else too. That's why he has to stay in the public eye permanently from now on. I haven't been allowed any privacy for years, when I was still amnesiac and wanted to be an average anonymous MissNobody. Those days are over for good for Mark Rowberry, for me, for Hubbard, for Henley etc. in all directions.
So, if I really want to "get my man" I would have to be able to split him from the ridge, which became visible to me just in 2006 and 2007. And my memory goes back only about 90-95 million years.
So, don't judge Mark Rowberry about his lifestyle, is he gay, does he smoke drugs because all these things as well as the superiority complex and the fact that he doesn't register mentally and cannot be truthful in his talk are symptoms-results of his reactive mind. Jesus was not fighting with effort St John's reactive mind, he had disconnected the whole thing altogether.
But we have been degraded in a systematic, strategic and gradient manner, with gradients of alterisness and gradients of deception and false goals and identities. So, we now need Hubbard-the Antichrist's gradient scales, knowledge and definitions as he had the structured knowledge of God and he had deliberately created religions that mislead the native thetans away from the structure of God.
The most important lesson about the Great Serpent-Judas-Hubbard-Antichrist is that he is the original source of Asymmetrical warfare, malice and obsessive-compulsive behaviour. He is the source of aberation in a calculated way. So, as you all saw with LisaMcPherson and John Sweeny better safe than sorry.
The first rule is to expose the suppressives and make everything public.
The first safety rule is to understand the neurological damage that was done to LisaMcPherson with the electronic-radionic body in pawn and I will take this up in detail in my next posts as it has been used against me in 2006 with the goal to cripple or kill me.
Mark Rowberry needs to be aware that he is the amnesiac St John the Evangelist and that he needs to be careful about his health and safety and that the Leadership of the Church of Scientology doesn't mind at all if he has "mysterious misfortunes, death or accident".
Using the LisaMcPherson attack method on me was a bad idea, because I have been in the Sea Org, and I am aware what can be done with the tech.
The Church of Magdalene and St John is based on my discovery that it is technically and structurally impossible to kill or make vanish your enemy and in Irak, Afganistan and Gazza, bombs and rockets are exploding in vain. The only one who wins is the Antichrist.

Monday, 18 June 2007

The Rowberry mystery: I just checked on

at Mark Rowberry's website and it says that he is currently in Henley-on-Thames. Now, so far I have written about 50 posts in other blogs about the particular freak-out situation surrounding the casual sex we had back in April 23 2001. Bottom line is we managed to connect well with sex. The strange attraction was spot on and was cut off immediately by Mark's "bestest mates". What I want to know from Mark Rowberry: are these freak-out rumours true that he was raped and castrated, and his money stolen etc. various events from 2004-2006? I want to know publicly about this. From meeting Mark Rowberry I got my memory back for the last 90 million years and because this very short lived encounter starts the Deconstruction of the Beast-the Antichrist, I am the target of a revenge/hate campaign and fair game campaign non-stop ever since.

Mark has not answered the emails I sent.

He is an amnesiac guy, we don't get along, we are like chalk and cheese, yet he is the lead to true freedom and repair, technically the direction is called getting the thetan off the energy-mass ridge. So, is this guy all right? I cannot get a true articulate answer out of him, in vain I have done phonecalls and asked questions, he does not register.
So, the best way to establish roughly the truth is to get Boris Johnson's PA who knows Henley well to find out as, this information source has no profit and is not involved in any profit or scam with Mark Rowberry.
After that, how can Boris Johnson connect me to get together with the Anglican Church Leadership. To put together for them a series of videoed presentations-lectures. The material I have discovered for the Antichrist Strategy has to go out fast because of the LisaMcPherson death and other "mysterious deaths". Because the Antichrist-admin is trying to do a LisaMcPherson on me, either the Anglican Church will agree to listen to me or I will explode the whole thing on a Worldwide Scandal to get the Beast out of the closet and shred him to ribbons.
The next stage repair for Mark Rowberry from now on, is to be done with Solo-auditing, not with a man-woman relationship and not with friendship because I was disgusted with the Henleys and want a total disconnection from that stinky zoo.
So, Mark Rowberry s tel. is 07774-292404. Everything has to be in public from now on, you are an impartial party making an enquiry therefore what information you gather can have some credibility. This freak-out is bizzare and when dealing with the Antichrist desk I better explode just like John Sweeny exploded. He shouldn't have any regrets, little does he suspect that his outburst was a healthy reaction.
If you can actually arrange for Mark Rowberry to come down to your office and meet there in your presence to establish that he is in one piece, that would be great.
It is quite disturbing to realize that this guy is actually St John the Evangelist, he is impossible to recognise as mentality and attitude and yet this "irrelevent" guy is St John, forget the DaVinci Code, I didn't bother to read it as I had seen the real thing.
Britain is a democratic and powerful country and here is the place for me to meet with the Church and get them to grasp what is the Antichrist Agenda.
The Deconstruction of the Antichrist started in Henley in 2001. So, help out to clarify things because anyway Henley is going to prove to be rather famous or notorious.