Friday, 29 June 2007

Mark Rowberry and me 2001-2007 realistic estimate

We did "the hot sex thing" back in 2001 casually and the Law of Attraction worked powerfully between us. I reminded him that he has lived for ever, he lives for ever and he is the most desirable man in the Universe, that he is God in other words, but all this was in power before the Beginning of Time. Then, we both didn't want to like each other. Why? because we blame each other for whatever damage or disfunctionality the Antichrist had caused us when we had consented to be deceived about his definition. So, Mark Rowberry was off to agree with his buddies that Joanna is t he best whore in town, to explain the attraction to me, and I thought, why do I bother this guy when he's got 3 girlfriends and 15 one night stands? His friends are morons too, get rid of him and disconnected by December 2001. After that I don't follow, Henleys and Londonners followed up with participation in an extra large scale Operation Freak-out, Operation Fair Game. Welcome back to L Ron Hubbard's asymmetric warfare. You don't remember him but you know him. When Mark's buddies confuse talking with farting and imagine themselves to be very cute and funny because they are farting behind my back that I'm a "hooker who wants a proper job", they don't remember that Hubbard had drilled them to "tell lies to control", they just think they are being competitive and "strong" that's why Mark Rowberry's buddies, Aziz, Valerio, the tall guy with the short ponytale, Simon the Dentist etc are Brainwashed servants of the Beast, while, when Heber Jentzsch and Miscavige operate an electronic body in pawn to cause me damage or death they are being manipulated. Welcome to the Church of the Beast the brainwashed many and the manipulated few.
So, for the information of both sides, Mark Rowberry and I will continue on the realistic basis that we do not want to like or love each other: until when? until the Beast is down from rulership and in its proper place. The hostage who was placed by Jesus among us to give away the structured knowledge of God. To get the power from the Beast and take his rulership away, Scientologists, Sea Org members and Operating Thetans need to go on a pragmatic immortality program, to audit all their warcrimes on the timetrack. From there on they get back to their true pandetermined self, heal a lot of their emotional injuries and upsets and can never be fooled again to be slaves in the place of the slave water over earth.
So, my message to the cackling harridans, venomous sluts and frenzied goldiggers and all of Mark Rowberry's buddies who are Cunts like Hubbard, heavily criminal women with a male body/human identity to forget their crimes and make a fresh start is this. Rowberry should start looking after his safety and be moderate in his lifestyle and behaviour, both because the Leadership of CoS have been poisoned against him and wish him dead and because his buddies are brainwashed Cunts, so they could cause him accidents.
So, things are realistic at the moment, Hubbard who has written a lot about auditing terminals, communication lines, GPMs etc. has various cunts and sluts around Mark Rowberry under his direct influence and his buddies and girlfriends are humanoids, when they hate somebody or when they smoke dope they don't know where the urge is coming from, they are brainwashed slaves of the former slave the Beast.
Why was it that no other woman ever thought that this guy is God? The only reason he ever liked me was because this crossed my mind and I got the message across to him directly without words. Because his humanoid girlfriends and one night stands had been led by the beast very early on the time track to kill God in order to be Gods. He led them from pandetermined Gods to obsess how to kill other Gods with beams and become self-determined God cause over the material universe, when true pandetermined Gods are cause over life. That's why it never crossed their mind, so no matter how many blowjobs they gave him, they sucked and sucked but could not repair him. Each time the Beast had led them to kill God, they didn't manage to kill God but they had managed to mutilate themselves and degrade themselves to humanoid amnesiac monkeys. And it all started with this mistake: never can water over earth be a leader, it is a slave, hostage, servant.
I got first hand experience that Hubbard manipulates to the max. Did I ever investigate how did Lisa McPherson die before I was attacked with an electronic body-in-pawn? No, I didn't. What was I doing in 2005, before this attack? Just like any other Scientologist, I was busy learning the good bits of Scientology, listening to the 156 Congress Lectures. Unless I had first hand experience and observation of the LisaMcPherson type of crippling and killing, I would have never imagined how far Hubbard had pushed asymmetric warfare. The grid of pain is in the Major Ridge, the half a mile tall repressed energy-charge from the whole track, the one that if not processed during this lifetime, stays put as a liability for ever. that Major Ridge hits the body and causes disease. But the true bridge starts with pragmatic immortality. Finding out with precision your warcrimes on the wholetrack and getting your theta and your true self and purpose back. Without this stage, it is not possible to start dealing with war,crime and insanity and defeat them. This is the Jesus Agenda for Scientology. OT narcissism and selfishness is the Beast Agenda.

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