Friday, 17 August 2007

Heber Jentzsch can find out directly why Hubbard fears the Satan Catchers

Heber Jentzsch who was St Peter back in Judea and has the Sign of the Beast, had access to Heaven back when "the Holy Ghost descended" that's to say when the free native thetans threw theta space on the disciples which activated their native thetan bodies and memory banks, which normally during a lifetime are totally incapacitated because of collapsed theta space.
Now, we know that this lifetime Heber has flourished and prospered with Hubbard. He is among the top five in CoS and has extensive training, solo auditing skills and knowledge how to trap, manipulate, monitor and sabotage anybody by using the electronic body in pawn technology that Hubbard has put together at Flag.
Of course he should take all the goodies Hubbard has so generously given to him, but, he should ask himself, why is Hubbard keeping me so sweet?
We forget our losses and get stuck on our wins. That's what I have seen happening with me and Mark Rowberry the Satan-Catcher couple.
We have forgotten all the power and abilities we had together, because recently on the track our achievements are buried under atrocious war activities. But Heber should definitely ask, why is Hubbard so nice to me?
Because, with all the solo auditing and knowledge goodies this lifetime, Heber has forgotten that he owns a stash of hostage Satans at his command from previous expeditions on earlier time tracks, before the Great Serpent.
Heber doesn't need to do any mumbo-jumbo to find out where is this stash of hostage servant Satans that can show him abilities, relationships and Kingdoms that are being created for ever.
All that Heber needs to do is recall true things he did during Jesus time. He has to start with bad things, overts, withholds, missed withholds because these block his access and open his access to his activities of 2.000 years ago.
He is a Sea Org member dozens of years, flinching from overts should not stop him from finding the truth. Once he has good confront and recall of his main activities and anxieties or GPMs from that life, he will recall true things he achieved, true postulates he had done and on the narrow path of truth he will remember perhaps unique things Jesus had done or postulated. Once Heber has recalled true actions and postulates from Judea, then he has an open com. line with Jesus and his personal stash of hostage Satans will be activated. Heber, once he goes through Jesus he has access to his personal property which is there to serve his forever power-condition and that's what Hubbard doesn't wish him to find out. Heber is part of another binary Satan-Catcher God. In fact, the 12 disciples, including me and excluding Judas we are six pairs of veteran Satan-Catchers Binary Gods.
Once his Satan servants are activated, they will show up on time every few weeks, from the north or from the west, depending what type of collection he had been building up, and he can send them forth to cut any entheta against him. That's a very effective first command to give to a servant Satan. The Satan will be back a few weeks or a couple of months later, and will announce that the task has been accomplished, nine days in advance. Nine days after the servant Satan is back he will have reconnection from a Kingdom of Heaven, a free society where Heber really came from and he will have the opportunity to inspect for himself what is the environment there and what abilities, qualities and general lifestyle his Kingdom of Heaven has. We are truly free when we are equally included in a free society in power condition, and that's what the Kingdoms of Heaven really are. The "own universe" where we postulate and mock-up situations of beauty and happiness is a very limited world, because it has independence and actuality, but it doesn't have power condition equally shared and forever.
Heber should not delay at all, he is a fire thetan and this is the year of the fire, so, he should recall Judea and his own actions and postulates, get hold of his property of Satans and find out for himself that he was not meant to be a "housemaid to the mest" but forever in cycles of evolution and power increase without liability.
So, Heber, check out this specific past that Hubbard tries to cover up saying that the Jesus thing was an implant and never happened, because it did happen and this cover-up is make or break for Hubbard's wish to do legendary damage.
Heber does not have any duty to Hubbard to maim his own ability to know and to lose for a lifetime his own property and belongings in terms of servants and access to free society and more abilities.
With his knowledge of Solo Auditing Heber could get there within August or September the latest.
Heber should investigate immediately these possessions he has left inactive for 2.000 years due to the implanting we get every time between-lives.
He will find out that Hubbard bribes him to make him disposessed of his true worth that he had been creating for ever.
There is a good chance that he will have the opportunity to see for himself the ability of placing a strong vacuum between two terminals and preventing any opponent from building up space and energy to enforce on us and overwhelm us .
He might also be close to finding out how to reproduce by postulate that vacuum in any direction where he wants to remain unaffected by any thetan's creations without using force against the thetan, which is where total freedom and dignity begins.
So, Heber check out for yourself what Hubbard has been hiding under a mountain of lies.
It goes without saying that a Satan confronted by six pairs of Satan-Catchers and a gang of native thetans has been resourceful to the max to control with lies and stay free and ahead of the game.
Heber, just because St John the Evangelist and me have warcrimes, it's no reason for you to be cheated of your access to your property of Satans and your access to the free people and the original abilities they use.
So, let me know in due course.

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