Sunday 16 September 2007

About Mark's friends

Mark's friends know that I wrote to him "one-night stand and good bye, go to those other women you value" since June 2001.
So, why did they keep backstabbing me after that? Mark was doing his own thing and so was I.
Mark ,apart from his day-job property-dealing, is socially inferior and collects mendacious couples and people with severe inferiority complex and delusional lust for status , always scheming and competing to win his approval, favours and money. If he wants servile people to want him for his money, that's the easiest thing in the world.

His friends were a very nasty surprise to me. I told them to leave me alone and they should have done so. Of course they can keep having sex with Mark, since they consider it a privilege, I don't consider sexual contact with Mark to be any bigdeal.

This first night was meant to lead to an exciting affair. I don't find it exciting when he was tied up to build up Amanda's socializing and he was doing secretely a social demolition against me behind my back.
It is out of the question that pompous moneyman Mark and his inferior friends can stretch their filthy gossip to damage my financial security and quality of life.

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