Thursday, 13 September 2007

What I understand about Mark Rowberry-St John the Evangelist

Roughly what happened in the last 100 million years is this:
we bombed a lot of planets to create and expand the Confederacy. We had psychiatry and "invigorating" shock treatment sessions with hypnotism and hologramic entertainment with drugs as a way to be conditioned to sustain the hardships and to have the speed required for space expeditions and warfare and that's where he got severely screwed up by Hubbard-the psychiatrist-hypnotist-female engineer-satan.
So, while he was mentally incapacitated this way, his friends encouraged my sister to kill me twice. Once with poison when I was pregnant and then when I sent the "loyal officers" to disconnect Xenu's nuclear weapons.
Third time he agreed to have me killed when his mates with his mistress pulled a scam in China, 3000 years ago.
Usually wine is enough to trigger psychotic breaks to this guy and we know this from the time he was general Alkiviades and together with his mates vandalised the Hermes statues because they were drunk and later as Alexander the Great when he killed one of his friends when he was drunk.
The human personality knows that he is somehow superior, but this superiority as well as his true strength is entirely cut-off and diverted by Hubbard-the engineer. So, Mark has been trying to be God and prove to the world that he is superior from a severe injury base the human body-monkey body and the electronic trap a set of circuits that triggers mental illness and obsessive compulsive behaviour.

For these reasons,and because I have experienced tremendous malice, agression, backstabbing, criminal fraud, defamation and exploitation by his scumbag friends, this is what everybody needs to know about the Mark Rowberry-St John the Evangelist paradox situation:
NO WAY can his scumbag friends or himself try to cash in on this with merchandise, holy water, talismans, icons, symbols, beads, blessed oil or any other such fraud and nonsense. I will not have Mark Rowberry or anybody around him pull a scam and exploit the situation again. This guy is a contract with the Devil, which means he is in an electronic trap mentally that I need to see clearly and disconnect. He is no provider of healing, blessing, etc.
Jesus who had disconnected his circuits, so, you cannot recognise him from his behaviour, had a human body but he was not in any electronic trap. He came here willingly to show us what needs to be done.
Hubbard who knows that he is Satan the Great Serpent since 1938, and he started by remembering what had he done, and that's what he wrote in Excalibur, has told some truths about our warcrimes to increase fear and loathing for us among the Scientologists.
The office of Special Affairs is monitoring us, but earlier, Hubbard had already interfered with Mark since 1962 and he kept tabs on me and my parents since my birth and later on with a body in pawn without radionics, back in the seventies.
We are target to kill by the Office of Special Affairs and it is obvious to everybody that I had some very "mysterious" misfortunes, since I met him in 2001.
I did fancy him but I would cramp his style I suppose.
The revenge Londoners did on my career prospects and my quality of life is pathetic and deplorable and if you are concerned about Mark's libido give him a blowjob yourself.
There is a social mystery here. We all know that we have sexual hate criminal damage against me 2001-2007,
but the Henleys and Londoners refuse to come clean about the freakish rumours that Mark was raped, castrated etc.
What I need to do regarding Mark Rowberry is get my self out of this electronic trap , the "seven demons" to be able to see clearly and be able to disconnect his electronic circuits.
I think that he and his father, and first degree relatives should be aware why Mark is target for the Office of Special Affairs. Purely because of his past lives and because I exist. If OSA gets me "mysteriously" dead first, Mark Rowberry is utterly harmless, because he remembers nothing and can do nothing concerning Hubbard-the Satan-Engineer.

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