Monday, 24 September 2007

Mark Rowberry and the corruption of the youth

One of the two charges for my death penalty was that I corrupt the youth of Athens as Socrates.

When I observed Mark Rowberry back in 2001, I was amnesiac homo sapiens like you. What I saw was that people in Henley regardless of their age, in their twenties, thirties or sixties had a strong inferiority complex towards this guy Mark. That his superiority does not rub-off on Graham, or Simon the Dentist, or Valerio so, they don't really gain anything in terms of status or influence by standing next to him. Same goes for the women: Amanda, Elisabeth, Lee, Eva and the others.

So, I was staring and could not explain why are they so antagonized immediately and they hit back by secretly farting behind my back that I'm a whore, hostility, snide comments, social exclusion, ridicule, barking abuse at me, spreading defamation and slurs, why all this massive upset about the one-night stand with me, one of nineteen women he shagged in 2001?

Why is it that they don't get upset about all the other blowjobs he gets, and why do they stay so hostility involved with me when I don't mind if Mark doesn't want to like me and I should find somebody else?

It has to do with who we are forever: there are two generations of souls.

The 144.000 indestructibles and the new souls who can die forever.
Bone structures and energy packets and pay packets are what we call appearences and they are deceptive. Mark Rowberry and Steve the fitness instructor may have the same height and body-build but Mark is immortal and Jesus can take him out from the electronic trap and the body cycle, but Steve will be dead forever by then. The immortal soul bit at the other end of the body is what you learn to distinguish when you win your perception units back, which are trapped under your slaughtered enemy in the last 3.000 years.
You hit a black wall and cannot remember anything because the last 100 million years are a compressed file, a ridge, like a winzip and only through your slaughtered enemy can you decompress the files, look at them and remember. At the moment, you have no mind-eyes to see. You only got eyeballs, so I left Mark to be with any woman he likes for your eyeballs to approve and I won back the eyes of the mind to find out who I am, who is Mark, who are you and what is coming to hit us if the Antichrist Agenda is not deconstructed internationally.

The new souls have not consolidated their potential immortality yet, they can die, they are not safe so far. They have not won Jihad against a Satan, they were born after the First Paradise and they have never done immaculate conceptions. On top of that, their father and mother Adam and Eve had forgotten how to fight Satan, had used their children in warfare and warcrimes and got them further mutilated as theta (life force), which the mind-engineer Hubbard exploited to implant them between lives and make them more malicious, destructive and corrupt.

So, now they are energy packets that the body triggers on a reflex.

I was observing irrational behaviour:

Amanda and Elisabeth becoming insecure women, because Mark would take them on an emotional curve : one day admired on a pedestal, next day crashed to pieces because he was cheating and will not report or be accountable.

Eva and Lee at his convenience and imagining that they should try harder and keep waiting for all his other relationships to collapse.
Lee, I found out, was famously married to Mark-General Alkiviades 2400 years ago. He had insulted her father, then made friends, then got a huge dowry to marry his daughter, then was cheating and she felt so much shame that she went to the public place in Athens to ask the officials for divorce, Mark-Alkiviades picked her up and run her back to lock her up at home, they had a son and then Mark-Alkiviades pressured his father-in-law to double the dowry money, her father refused but he was scared of Alkiviades “bestest buddies” so he gave the money demanded, but after that he went to the Athens officials and disinherited his daughter and made a public will that if he has a “mysterious death” all his money goes to the State, not his daughter or son-in-law. So, Lee and her family don’t remember but they know that emotional abuse=marriage to Mark and they are his children for ever, a much younger and seriously confused generation of souls.

Valerio and Simon the Dentist and Aziz obsessing and ranting against me.

Sixty and seventy years old women barking at me like harridans that I'm a whore.

Sixty and sixty five year old guys, who were later busted in paedophile rings calling me "a horn".

The director of human resources, forgetting that he is near a 100K packet respected executive and getting involved in my personal life and keeping up the sickening name calling within Invesco festering for more than 3 years, for what realistic benefit or personal profit did this guy risk his career with Invesco?

Why all this irrational behaviour? It has to do with the generations of the soul holding power over the generations of the body.

These people even in their sixties, even on a 100K income a year are the children generation. From Stuart Horgan the most disturbed, to the High Rank Thames Valley. Nothing to gain by vilifying or ridiculing me, just cutting their own throats and helping the Antichrist engineered Agenda for Teheran and Tel Aviv to start the Holocaust. It doesn't matter which side drops the A-bomb, the Antichrist will genocide the entire planet after that.

Hubbard had defeated Adam-Eve and their children with his Excalibur strategy. The father was a lunatic general or king good at butchering his enemies, their mother had been mobbed and lynched and murdered by her children and the children where living on the "survival of the fittest" principle and had become fraudsters, thieves, insecure sluts, and criminals. Charles Manson along with other “buddies” had learned from their father Adam to butcher enemies, women and anybody weaker and they had done these things together, which Hubbard exploits further to implant them with hypnotic commands + drugs+ amnesia on top of that to produce more psycho killers.

So, the issue Corruption of the youth has been answered by Hubbard in 1938. Excalibur. Google all about it, there is at least three people who have read the original manuscripts. It is engineered on the basic conflict that Adam is a Jihadi loser, because he has been butchering false enemies to become a Despot. Eva has been frantic to reverse the coming Holocaust as Socrates, Joan of Arc and Bernadette Soubirous.

So, the entire SEX-SCANDAL surrounding Mark Rowberry and me is the upset of the children:

They don't want their father to have sex with their mother. They hate the idea that their father loves their mother and might treat her well.

They imagine they have superior status when they suck up to their "superior" father and advise him to treat his mother like a whore.

Then they get upset because their mother despises their father's mentality.
Their mother didn’t know that they are a much younger generation, so, she gets exasperated and calls them idiots, dimwits and morons.

Then there is the Freak-Out scam: did the children actually gang-raped their father to prevent him to get in touch with their mother? Did they steal their father’s money? Did they hush-hush everything with the help of his children in the Thames Valley Police? One hell of an Excalibur scam.

These people in Henley as well as the high rank in Thames Valley and Walthamstow Police are being self-destructively obsessed to sabotage me as a person and as a woman.

Hubbard has TRUE reason to hate my guts, he hates his kismet to be taken hostage-our servant until we complete one more immaculate conception round, we defeat with him as hostage one more satan and then we complete the Second Paradise and we consolidate our expansion. That's the true Agenda for the next one Billion years. We the now dispersed Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist Jihadis, will derail the slaughter and nuclear holocaust he has engineered for us in the next six years, get a firm grip on a rational-evolution handling of force.

Mark is leading the new souls to total perdition, under the brainwashing of the Antichrist. The people he influences are his youngest children, that’s why they are so awestruck and he has been corrupting them with appearances, superiority, love of money and status and desperate effort to become his equals. They can have equal bodies or equal cars or equal houses, but they will be dead by the time Jesus becomes his saviour.
These are my preoccupations about the corruption of the youth which has been going on for the last 100 million years.

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