Monday, 3 September 2007

In retrospect about Mark Rowberry

Mark Rowberry was 38 years old back in 2001. He is 44 years old now. The good impression I had about the British that they are smart fair-minded people was purely because I was living in Britain with a good husband. Whether society is good or evil depends on whether I have a good or treacherous partner.
The grown-up thing to do after he told me to fuck-off in LaBotega, to please Elisabeth was to draft a no-gossip agreement, pay him a 1000 quid in front of a lawyer and make sure that he stops the gossip with his filthy sluts and his filthy pussyhead buddies who want to dictate my life immediately.
Since the filth his social circle generates was beyond imagination or any rational anticipation, what I have to say once and for all is this:
To hell with you Mark Rowberry's pussyhead cunt-buddies.

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