Tuesday, 11 September 2007

The future after the birth of the Antichrist

Now that the Antichrist is busy growing up in nappies, since August 2007, and he is not 24/7 out and about visiting Bin Laden and George Bushto pitch them against each other, like he used to do since 1986, we have about 35 years to complete a total theta rehabilitation that derails him in time and completely from power, so that Earth gets free from his suppression and constant hate and conflict creation and people can repair their structure from warfare and crime damage they have suffered.
Most Scientologists have not audited their warcrimes and the entities, the split theta that ensues and makes them weak, so they have not realized his full range of activities. They have doubts that he blew up the Challenger, 3 days after his "death" and Chernobyl later on.
However, the message is clear: you don't have time to make space colonnies to escape him, you defeat him here or he kills you here and the 72.000 indestructible pairs are shock tortured for 10 days,=24.000 years minimum for their negligence to have their children killed by the Antichrist. These 72.000 pairs or 144.000 indestructibles include Heber Jetzsch, Lesevre, Electra, Koos Trenite, Ingo Swann, some other remote viewers, Bill Gates, J K Rowling, several Scientologists and I keep locating more of them, because they have to connect and get a family management direction on the planet. Although the Antichrist is American, no nationality or religion or ethnic group will benefit. The only ones who will hold some power, for a short while, before they get victimized as planned are those with the Mark of the Beast. He has demonstrated that he rewards no one exept those with the Mark of the Beast by damaging his wives and children and many senior scientologists. Heber and Lesevre who have the Mark of the Beast will bitterly regret their misplaced loyalty. They need to give up the fixation to hide from the world that L Ron Hubbard lectures are Mr Satan talking about how Hell was engineered. The job about freedom for the dynamics and humanity is not under his leadership, but in opposition to him, and if we cannot audit our warcrimes and our misconceptions to reverse the existing damage, including any damage done to me and Mark Rowberry first of all, he is coming back to finish off his job with a massive slaughter that Judaism was talking about correctly.
So, it's 35 years to get our act together to the speed that we acquire abilities, change considerations and act in higher harmonics.
This is complete communication time, to catch up with what I have discovered so far, review of existing abilities and research and discovery to move up two harmonics from the most advanced Scientologist.
The arrogant money-man womanizer is the most tiresome type of human identity to communicate and reason with, but this particular specimen Mark Rowberry happens to have a God-component blocked away, which is what Judaism was calling Messiah. If his theta gets fixed Jihad has been won finally in this last round.

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